help please Started by: lindsey

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  • lindsey 123

    Please girls can u write me a list of what is normal and what is it everything making me panic..
    When I touch my right boob it makes a sqishy sound and feels watery if that makes sense is this meant to happen. And a bit of my incisions have bled 🙁 xxx

    Annmarie 6

    My left boob is making a squishy sound too when I lean on my left arm. I’ve read on here before that it’s normal so I’m not panicking but it is unpleasant x


    Hun r ur implants over or under xx

    lindsey 123

    They are under but it really sounds strange. I don’t want them to burst 🙁 can they burst or am I just being parrinoid xxx

    Annmarie 6

    Lindsey is it sore when you breath in? I think that’s been the worst bit for me, feels like the surgical bra they put me in is too tight, it’s agony 🙁 x

    Sian 2

    Mine made lots of strange noises and felt strange. I’m 5 weeks post op now and that’s stopped xxxx

    lindsey 123

    Yes it hurts when I take a deep breath and when I cough I feel like I’m going to explode. Is there definitely kno way they can fall out I kno it’s a stupid question xxxx

    Sian 2

    They won’t fall out. That’s how I felt. You’ll feel much better in a few days xxxx


    Hi @lynzzi25. I’ve seen a lot of girls mention the squelching noise and I’ve seen a lot of people say its normal, I think its just the implant adjusting and “getting comfy”. There was also a girl on here who said her surgeon ran over an implant in his car and it didn’t burst so that’s good haha! I’m 6 weeks post op now and my first week was horrendous. I kept saying I was regretting it and everything. I couldn’t even touch them or take my bra off for 5 seconds cause I felt like they were gunna fall off/out but this went away after about a week and now everything is great!!! Going to get measured tonight. I know how you feel though, i’m a proper worrier and was worrying about EVERYTHING! Just make sure you relax while you have the chance to do so haha! X

    lindsey 123

    Thanks Anna u have made me feel better knowing about the implant getting ran over. I don’t want to touch them to hard in case they pop but I am sure they won’t. It’s just going to take time to get used to them and everything seems to worry me it might just b lack of sleep lol making me more para. Let us kno what ur measurements are when you find out. What are u hoping for xxxxx


    @lynzzi25 i’m glad you feel a bit better, it definitely helps to talk to other people and see how they’ve got on with everything! I was the same, I didn’t want to touch them or anything! Wouldn’t let anyone go near them and trying to change my sports bra was horrible. I got measured last night as a 32E so I’m really happy with that, I asked to be a full D!! XX

    lindsey 123

    Wow that’s amazing hun I’m pleased for you I hope I get to that size. My right boob hurts and lots more swollen at the top then the left. I don’t think my surport bra fits me right does it need to be really tight because it just fits me as in a bit lose I maybe should get a different size. How do u feel today is everything good xxx

    Kelly 1

    They have some really good support bras in George asda with front zip I am 6weeks post op and have been so comfy and very supportive reduced pain for sure.

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