Help, please look at my pic Started by: Lyndsay

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  • Lyndsay


    Really concerned over the difference in size four days on…would anyone mind taking a look and letting me know if anyone has any thoughts? Thanks xx


    Hey Hun, I’m not friends with you, but want to reassure you that a size difference is perfectly normal. You need to treat them as separate ops, so they will drop, change, and grow at different rates, usually by six weeks you have an idea of a final look and size, but it can takes months for them to be fully finalised xx

    Misfion 3

    @joannabella that is such a true way of looking at it! They are different ops, and each and every boob is different. @Lyndsay I haven’t had mine yet (tues) but everything i have heard from these girls is that your boobs change so much over 3/6/8/12 weeks and onwards. Its amazing how much changing they do hun, just give them time xxx


    @lyndsay i had mine done on tuesday and mine are different sizes too, 1 is starting to soften and the other is really hard. Im going to wait till my post op on eed and ask the nurse then xx

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