Help please! Macom bra! Size?? Started by: kim

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  • kim 45

    Hi ladies, I’m getting my ba on the 20th of November so need to get ordering my macom bras but don’t no what size to go for! I’m currently a 32 bust so shall I order a 32 or the next size up? I’m quite small and don’t wanna get one that’s to big! X

    Paula 27

    Hi Hun. I went for my pre op last night and asked this question. In terms of cup size, the Macom bra is adjustable so it’s just the back size you need to decide on. They say always go up a back size. I definitely would do as you have to wear them all day and you don’t want to risk it being uncomfortable. I’m a 34 and I’m ordering a 36 and my 2 friends were 32’s and they ordered 34’s. If you’re unsure ask your PC or order a 32 and 34 and send one back. My advice is always go up a back size and I’m sure most other girls would agree 🙂 xx

    kim 45

    Yh I had my pre op last night to and asked but just don’t wanna order it and it be to big! But I’ll go for the 34! Thanks! X

    Victoria 1

    Go a size bigger , I got the 32 and couldn’t get it on after surgery – mainly for your comfort .. I have the 34 now but will start wearing the 32 soon as swelling has gone down now

    kim 45

    Maybe I’ll get one of each size!! I looked on the macom website and they seem to be sold out! Do u no where else I can get them from? X

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