Help please!! Wound care 1 week post-op Started by: Dani

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  • Dani

    Hi everyone,

    I am 8 days post-op today and just went for my 1-week appointment at the Fitzroy. My incisions looked okay although I have had a lot of pain in one of them that hasn’t healed as well. I’ve just seen a nurse who didn’t have the right size dressings and so has stuck two smaller ones over my incisions… Meaning about an inch of plastic sticky bit must be directly stuck over the wounds?? I know she put a little bit of iodine in there too but I’m not sure it was enough to act as a barrier? Has anyone else had this – was it okay when they came off?? I’ve never seen anything like it in my life…

    Not sure what to do as the sore one is still bothering me and not sure they will heal like this… She said I could change the dressings if they got too wet showering, but I’m so scared to pull the bottom one off!



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    Laura Simmons 27

    I’m a nurse but also had a BA last week. They look fine and the sticky should not effect the healing what so ever. They should come away easily when they are wet enough from the shower but if you don’t want to wait till then you can use Antiseptic adhesive remover wipes called zoff wipes (just checked on amazon and they sell them for approx £6) to get them off easier. We use them to take sticky dressings off sore areas or on kids who are scared.

    Personally though I think your best bet is to leave them as they are until they start peaking off in their own. Then you are messing with them less and they will heal faster.

    Hope this is helpful and your recovery is going well x


    Thanks Laura that’s really helpful and reassuring! I will leave put for now! 🙂 x

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