Help plz! 1 Day post-op – How tight do I wear my bra??? Started by: Chelle

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  • Chelle 5

    Hi ladies!

    I had my op done yesterday. I was a saggy C and had 275cc high profile moderate plus implants to go up to a full-size D.

    Here are some pics! By the way, they’re NOT that wonky lol… I just really struggled to take the braless pic afterwards because of not being able to lift my arms 🙂

    My question is…. how tight to I wear the post-surgery bra?? Yesterday I had it on the most lose clips and today I’ve put it on the tightest clips. I want to help my new boobs move closer together but the tight clip setting is hurting a fair bit. How tight did you wear yours? I wasn’t given any instructions except to just wear the bra lol.

    Thanks for your help, Chelle xx

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    Jessica 105

    My Macom had two sets of clips so I had it on the second which is the tightest. If you can tolerate it then the tightest should be the best, if not then the second x

    sabrina 92

    mine was put on whilst on the operation table- I woke up in it, it was very tight due to the swelling and the body wrap over it thing. once that off it didnt feel so bad (after 7 days) .. I think the first 7 days of swelling it feels very tight, so I would go for the tightest. If you do feel so uncomfy u can always change. But they are uncomfy thats just the way it is so bare with it if possible.

    Hollie A 44

    I always had mine on the first one, don’t think I wanted to attempt the second because it would have been tight.
    My nurse put it on the first one aswell xx

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