Help ! Post labiaplasty + hoodectomy and I look a mess :( Started by: Hay0202

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  • Hay0202 6

    Hi this is my 3rd day post labiaplasty and hoodectomy and I have a lot of bruising and swelling and the labia looks really bulky and thick more towards the back end of things and my initial thoughts are my inner labia is still pertruding the length of my outer labia and there hasn’t been as much taken off as I would of liked – at the moment it doesn’t look nice and tucked in and like previously mentioned the inner labia looks thick and more bulky and hanging strangely towards the end nearest the bottom – could this be due to swelling and has anyone else had this bafore and found the labia thinned out and got smaller and more tucked in as healing time went by ? Any comments would be useful and I’m really worried I’m gonna hate the end results

    Katy 5

    Had labiaplasty and hoodectomy 12 days ago and after 2 days I thought the exact same thing and it was soo sensitive rubbing when I walked and I was worried it would stay like that but 12 days on and it must have just been swelling because feels and looks great now. Hope this helps. How long ago did you have your op?

    Hay0202 6

    Hi Katy thanks so much for your reply ! Ah your comments make me feel more re assured ! Did you also notice your inner labia seemed more bulkier and did this thin out as time went by for you ? Today will only be 4 days since my op I know it’s still really early on in my recovery process but I just noticed that a lot of other girls say although they have swelling they can see they’re labia looks tiny even from day 1 and at the moment I’m not very happy with how much looks like is still there ☹️ So hoping once the swelling comes down the labia will looked more tucked in x

    Katy 5

    Honestly I was panicking and thinking oh no… Is this what it’s meant to look like now but already it looks completely different to the first week post op. All I can say is wait until atleast nearly 2 weeks and ask questions at your post op and tell them if your not happy. Honestly my inner labia at the start really pertruded outside and was soo noticeable and I haven’t really got any left which is what I wanted. Who was your surgeon?

    Lucie 8

    I’m one year post op and the first month I was still swollen, ride it out girl it’s so worth it xx

    Demie 1

    Hi Haylou,

    Did it go down in the end and look how you imagined it? I’ve recently had mine done and feel like it’s still pretty big 🤦🏽‍♀️

    Hay0202 6

    Hiya Demie ! I’m now 3 weeks 4 days post op and I’m much happier with what I’m seeing ! I had A LOT of swelling and bruising but as time has passed and it’s been going down I’m seeing what the final results are and it looks so much better and smaller ! I still feel like I could or Mayb had a little bit more taken off but compared to how it was before it’s 1 million times better and he said that there is still bit of swelling to come down so again it will thin out more and the final results are still to come even tho I am happy with how it looks ! How are you finding things ?x

    Demie 1


    Awh amazing! Yeah everything’s still very swollen and bruised at the minute I’m only 4 days post op so I’m guessing it looks nothing like the final result will. I’m glad you are happy with yours! X

    Demie 1

    Also, just re read your previous comments, and you said it was your labia that you thought couldn’t have been smaller. I feel like my labia has had a lot take off and it looks good at the minute however it’s more the hood ectomy for my that seems to look pretty much the same and bulky :(. But as we said hoping after a couple of weeks it will change!

    Hay0202 6

    Hiya Demie .. 100% once the swelling and bruising comes down youl see such differnt results ! I think in my head at the start I knew that would be the case but at the time you just panic and want to know what it’s going to be like ! But as times gone on I’m much happier with the results – I still stick by I think I could of had more taken off :/ but my surgeon felt if he had taken anymore off then I might of had a gaping hole around the vagina entrance and it’s hard to fix and restore once that is done so I’m glad it’s not the other way but then like you and many other girls I’ve seen write posts seem happy with how much they’ve had taken off .. mine still sit alongside or Mayb a tad over the outer lips but looks neat at the same time but I suppose Evryones vulvas and outer labias are differnt and can have certain things done to them – as for the hoodectomy party again I know evryones look differnt at the point of getting surgery but I didn’t feel like mine needed touching cus that area was really neat and nothing was poking out or noticeable but he said he had to do a hoodectomy to give it a more contoured look or it might of looked strange and not go with the rest of my labia nicely .. so that part for me was never a problem if anything that area just looks more neat and flattened then before .. but I’m sure yours would be down to swelling and once that goes the bulkiness won’t appear as bulky .. I would definatley give it some more time and discus it with your surgeon when you have a post op appointment xxx

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Hay0202 6.
    Hay0202 6


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Hay0202 6.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Hay0202 6.

    how is it looking now? i’m 9 days post op and feel the same 🤣

    Rachel 12

    Does anyone have any advice what to pack in my hospital bag / what I’ll need post surgery? Xxx

    Hay0202 6

    I had an overnight stay for mine because it was being done in the evening and I lived far away so I just took the basics for the night like pjs etc I didn’t really need anything extra because they supply you with pain killers and a ice but I would definitely bring lose comfy clothing , big underwear ! And I bought some maternity pads ! Post surgery the most important thing is regular pain relief even if your not in pain and using an ice pack / bag of frozen something every couple hours to reduce swelling .. again comfy underwear and maternity pads was a life saver and must ! . I also bought a small squirt top bottle and every time I went to the toilet I gently squirted warm water over my lady bits to wash the area .. that was very handy .. also if your travelling far for your surgery I suggest a cushion or something to sit on during the journey back as it’s quite uncomfortable sitting for a while xx


    So I am now 25 days post op. Still a significant amount of swelling especially on one side of my labia. My biggest concern is the other side, where the hood has been sewn to attach to the labia, I think, everything swells in such a weird way I’m struggling to see what bit is what still. Any way on the swollen side that stitching has allowed the 2 bits of skin to heal together. On the other side, the stitches have now dissolved but the 2 edges of skin haven’t healed together. Imagine the side seam of a t-shirt where the stitching has come undone leaving the edges splayed apart. So now there’s just this bit kind of hanging which looks like it should be attached. I’m really panicking because I’m being told it will heal together but I can’t see that it will.
    Has anyone else had problems like this?

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