Help……so confused Started by: Mf1105

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  • Mf1105 15

    Hi girls. I had my second consult with Mr Sterne yesterday and rather then being certain im more confused.
    First consult he suggested 400-450 mod plus. Now he’s suggesting 450 hp but said i could have either, he said he thinks I will be disappointed with 400cc :/ I am 5’7 and just under 10stone but fairly athletic.
    I’m just so confused, i have a large gap naturally which i would like to be less prominent, i dont want obvious fake boobs so was okay with mod plus, now hes saying HP to fill out upper pole (deflated after 2 children) he wants to go over muscle either way.
    I’m just so confused and driving myself insane trying to decide. I’m worried the mod plus wont have enough projection, or will make me look too broad/or fat, but worried the HP will have a big gap or look fake as going over muscle . Also worrying 450 is just too big 🙁 i have a bwd of 13 so can’t go much smaller.
    Sorry for the essay, going to talk myself out of it at this rate.
    What would you guys suggest? Any before/after would be great xx thank you

    Hannah 214

    I would have thought to make the large gap less prominent you’d want the mod plus as they have a wider base than HP.. but that’s just my thinking behind it.

    However I’m similar stats to you: 5’6, just under 10st. I had 400cc HP Partials. Attached my before & after pic. But bare in mind I’m only 2WPO so not fully healed xx

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    Mf1105 15

    Thank you Hannah!! They are looking amazing especially at 2 weeks, What was you bwd?
    It’s just such a big decision and the fact hes changed his reccomendation has confused me so much 🙁

    Cath 75

    I had 485UHP and bearly have a gap.
    I’m 5″4 and 9st 7lb and they don’t look big on me xx

    Cath 75

    And I had overs xx

    Mf1105 15

    Hey Cath, did you have a gap to start with? X

    Cath 75

    Ye but it wasn’t huge lol xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun if you want filling out I’d go with hp for defo also your gap won’t change Hun but having them over the muscle can give the apparence of a smaller gap anyways so it be up to you weather you go for hp or mod + hp tends to have more projection than mod+ xxxx

    Becky 33

    I had a consultation with Dr Marcellino today and I have quite a wide gap and he offered me anywhere between 400-450cc hp and he said it would give a nice fuller look. I’m a little taller than you at 5’9 and quite athletic build. Don’t know if that will be of any help to you at all? Xx

    Mf1105 15

    Thanks for all your comments. Surely it shouldn’t be so hard to decide

    Mf1105 15

    This is me now x

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    Mf1105 15

    This was me before breastfeeding 2 children and gaining (and loosing 6 stone)

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    Mf1105 15

    Bump x

    Laura 143

    Personally i would go with hp, your last pictures where your boobs were fuller you know you can get good cleaverage so id go more for the projection than wideness. Personal choice but i think some on the mod + look a little but strange on some people they look too wide xx

    Chantelle 64

    Go with what your surgeon says hun… I had a gap and I got Ultra High Profile! There’s a gap now but Mod+ wouldn’t have fit anyway. May I add you do not look 10 stone and you look bloody brilliant for someone that’s gained and lost 6 stone x

    Mf1105 15

    Thanks ladies. I thought I’d be excited but I’m just stressed at the moment lol. Op date 20th November 🙂 on the 6month wait after breastfeeding.
    I gym a fair bit so weigh a bit more then i probably look. X

    Claudine 196

    Hi, i think this is going to come down to whats more important to you, your cleavage or your projection, are you happy to allways need to wear a bra to create cleavage or were you hoping to be able to go braless and strapless after your BA? If your happy to use a bra to enhance then i would say go for HP to get the extra projection but if your long term goal is to wear strapless dresses, bandaeu type bikinis and strapless summer tops etc then the mod + will probably work better for you, obviously your gap wont change with a BA put placement and profile of implant can accentuate the gap or diminish the appearance, great news for you though that you are able to have overs, also i wouldn’t worry about them looking stuck on at that size implant, obviously they do not sit like normal breast tissue and if it’s very important to you to have the natural look please dont be put off HPs by looking at images of girls on the forum who are very early post op, they look and feel very different once they have fully dropped and softened, try to look for posts from girls who are at least 3-4 months post op to get a better idea of what an over the muscle HP implant really looks like xxx

    Chantelle 64

    @mfern1989 my surgeon changed her mind also and I got a bit stressed… I was supposed to be having 215cc high profile unders and she totally changed her mind on the second consultation and gave me 240cc ultra high partials 🙂 x

    Chloe 122

    I had 450 mod plus I love them, I personally don’t think projection is much less that hp but I love the cleavage with mod plus and always thought hp can make the gap appear wider, I’m not sure if there is a side pic on my profile but if u message me I’ll send u one later xx I’m 10stone but shorter than u xx

    Claudine 196

    Here are the size charts it may help to be aqquainted with the dimensions xxx

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    Claudine 196


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