Help starting to really worry Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie 9

    Hey, had my op on Tuesday and havnt had much pain at all, apart from today. It’s only in my right boob,mane th pain just shoots straight up, and I have to like hold my boob and it eases.
    But if I’m sat down then it doesn’t happen just when I get up to move and stand, but thing in my left boob.
    Is this normal?

    lindsey 123

    I am the same I only have pain in my right boob I feel like I need to hold it in place when I stand up xxx

    Zoe 12

    Am the same but for my left boob and am starting to get bruising around my nipple ? xx


    I have that many different pains and I’m taking that many painkillers I don’t know what’s what anymore :’) xx

    Natalie 9

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    @lynnzzi25 that’s exactly how I feel I keep asking around holding my boob! Glad I’m not the only one then

    iv got no bruising yet can you really see the bruising?
    Haha Jess wish I was the same haha xxx

    Zoe 12

    Yeah it’s like just above me nippple, I emailed the nurse and she said just to keep a eye on it. My right one on the other hand feels like me own boob already not been any bother xx

    Natalie 9

    Aww that’s good @becca1994 iv not bothered ringing the nurse, mine just goes from incision across my nipple it’s odd but still only in the right boob. Cc

    lindsey 123

    I’ve still got pain in my right boob where my incision is. Does this mean there’s something wrong or an infection I keep feeling it’s going to fall out when I stand up. What happens if your stich come lose. I keep thinking strange things but I don’t know what’s normal and what isn’t . I don’t mind the pain I just don’t want anything to go wrong. Xxx

    sharon 13

    Hi all I’m day 2 po and I’m suffering the same type of pain day time not too bad just at night time a really sharpe pain in my left boob at the side of nipple also feeling really tight as I have strapping on hopefully it comes off Thursday…..night time is the worse getting in and out of bed can cope with pain just don’t want any serious problems I had 275cc unders xxxxxx really nice to hear how others are coping ?

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