Help! Sunbeds??? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    So i was a sunbed freak before my boobs and it has been 5 weeks since I’ve not been on! (2 weeks pre op and 3 weeks post op)… so I’m currently 3 weeks 2 days post op and I am itching to go on the sunbeds… if I cover my incisions up really well will I be ok going on them? Xxx


    i’m the same hun i go on everyday that’s the worst part i’m dreading not been able to go on lol am sure you will be fine if you cover them up enough think they only effect they have they might make scars darker xx

    Clairelh 85

    From my experience I wouldn’t risk it I had to have revision last year which included scar revision my scars were a horrible purple color even though I would put two plasters over them it’s just not worth it ending up with purple scars with a white square around them after my revision I waited 3months and they look fine now xx


    Haha Sophie I know that is the only thing that has been hard for me! It’s horrible looking so white 🙁 and oh no really claire?? I was thinking of putting towels underneath my boobs so it’s quite thick? It’s really hard it’s affecting my confidence so much 🙁 xxx

    Emma 52

    Can’t you just fake tan Hun? xx


    Hey hun have a read of this:

    The negatives outweigh the positives by far tbh and skin damage effects the elasticity in ur skin plus ages it..

    I reckon ur better off Investing in ur skin the way u have with ur breasts! Get some really nice fake tan, luxurious creams and body exfoliating scrubs.

    If u start back on the sunbeds less than six months or a year post op by the time summer 17 starts in the UK u may have spoilt them and may be more unhappy with ur boobs than before the boob job because of scarring due to pigmentation from the melanin produced when u tan.

    Ur scars are so fresh! Just ask urself would u expose a new born babys skin to UV light…? Probably not… Because it’s sensitive, new and still forming… The same as ur new breasts, the skin that’s been stretched to accommodate them and the scarring you have that was necessary to get them inside ur body…!

    They say after the op to wear total block or at least factor 30 and that’s in the normal sun on holiday! So God knows what kind of protection u would need on a sunbed on ur scars. UV light can still penetrate cloth and swimwear.

    Just ask us self in the grand scheme of things is it worst the risk?

    I knew having a ba may increase the chance of stretch marks on my boobs, so I chose a moderate sized implant under 350cc so my skin wouldn’t be over stretched and cause more stretch marks. I moisturise twice a day with 100% natural oils and creams to keep my skin supple to prevent marks and lighten the ones I have.
    Ive used sunbeds in the past and usually go on holiday 3 times a year. But I always build a gradual tan from factor 30 down to 15 or 8.
    I know this year I’m gona be extra cautious though cos Id rather have healthy skin (tanned skin is unhealthy cos of skin damage) than a mega deep tan with scarring.

    I’m sure u had to give up or change a few lifestyle choices pre and post op and u survived them to this point.

    Once you damage ur skin it’s not so easy to reverse the changes especially when it comes to scarring so of u choose to go back to the sunbed be mindful of what ur doing… Short term satisfaction for long term change? Fx


    Wow fran you have literally made me realise that it’s not worth it!! Thankyou so much I will take everything you say in! I completely understand and I don’t like fake tan but I will just get on with it as it’s a lot better than damaging my skin! Thankyou so much 🙂 I will keep reading that for inspiration haha! Xxx and I have used abit Emma but I really hate it I hate the smell and everything so I will have to hunt for the perfect one 🙂 Xxx


    Ur welcome babe I’m so sorry if it came as a lecture!

    I really go in on research esp when it came to the ba! Not trying to scare anyone but I’d hate for u to get dark scars cos it would just be so horrible and lower ur confidence. If u think of how much money time and effort plus pain u put ur body through to get ur new girls its really not worth the risk so soon.

    Ive heard of a few new ones that don’t have the smell one I saw on instagram thts mainly made of natural stuff so will have a look at some alternatives for u and post them on here! I think lots of girls are in the same boat as u and it doesn’t help with it being so grim and grey outside 🙁

    Also I’ve seen some bronzing oils that appear to work and give a nice glow the bodyshop did one last summer I think. I reckon a year after ur op u should be clear to go back on the sunbed and not do any major damage to ur scars or change the colour drastically

    I really get where ur coming from in terms of the smell I can’t stand it either! fxxxxx


    No it was definatly not a lecture it really helped! I appreciate it 🙂 yes that would be really helpful? I’m never sure what ones to buy as I don’t want to smell like biscuits haha! Xx


    Have a look at these hun, all within the past year so pretty current:

    I’m sure the best ones should appear in these articles a few times plus the active ingredients are explained so u can work out what gives the biscuit smell and what won’t plus lasting power and wearability

    It’s like researching all over again but this time for tan lol

    Just think the money u save on sunbeds u will use for ur tanning lotions and first holiday when u take the girls on tour!


    Haha yes more researching! 🙂 sick of it haha but yes true it will save me a fortune! That’s the thing I’m most excited for is to show them off in a bikini! Time to work hard for my summer body 🙂 went the gym for the first time today and did a incline walk and then some squats I was poofed!! Haha 🙂 (3W4DPO) xxx

    Thanks for your help fran xxx


    Ur welcome hun just take it easy lol! I know what u mean about feeling tired a brisk walk around the shops and some food shopping and im knackered I can’t wait to get cleared to work.out again fx

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