HELP! Surgery tomorrow! Started by: Mary

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  • Mary 10

    Hi ladies! I have my op tomorrow morning at First trust hospital.. I am really really worried, since Thursday I’ve had such a sore throat and lost my voice! Yesterday was terrible for coughing and my throat was in so much pain!! I’m dosing up on vitamins and cough medicines, today I feel loads better but my voice is still not 100%! My plan is to stay in bed all day today, not talk to anyone and keep dosed up every 4 hours! .. Will I still be ok to have my op? I will be so devastated if my op is postponed, I’ve booked the time off work and everything! Starting to worry now 🙁 x


    I’m so sorry you are not feeling well especially a day before surgery hun. Any idea if you have a throat infection? Or what is actually wrong? I know that some girls ops have been cancelled and others haven’t. I wish you well and hope that all is ok for tomorrow xx

    Mary 10

    Thanks for replying Lisa! .. No idea if it’s a throat infection:( It’s Deffo a sore throat kind of cough and not on my chest though.. It’s just typical it’s come a few days before my surgery, I do feel as if it’s slowly getting better now.. What do you think the best thing I should do? Do I contact someone on mya or shall I turn up tomorrow and hope for the best? Xx

    kelly p 33

    I know how you feel I have the same thing apparently it’s avirus going round
    I really hope you feel better tomorrow and get your op x

    Mary 10

    Thank you Kelly! It’s so frustrating, I’m literally not talking to anyone today and praying all goes well tomorrow!! Xx

    kelly p 33

    It’s horrible isn’t it
    I would see how you feel tomorrow
    You don’t want to inform them and then then cancel and the wake up ok
    How long have you had it !? X

    Mary 10

    Yeh that’s exactly what I’m thinking! To be honest I’m feeling better than this morning already, I’ve googled so many remedies, chicken soup, herbal tea, pain killers and vitamins! I’m doing the lot haha! ..
    I’ve had it since Thursday so hopefully this is the back end of it now.. I’m a beauty therapist so Thursday evening I done a few spray tans back to back and thought the tan had got on my chest but then Friday I lost my voice. My mum reckons it could be due to nerves! Even though I don’t feel nervous (yet) xx

    kelly p 33

    I think your mum could be right
    I feel a little run down tbh cos all I can think about is boobs
    It’s so hard I want my date here now x
    What are you having.

    Mary 10

    I hopes she’s right and it’s not an infection!
    When is your date? .. I’m having 350cc Hp overs, with Dr Minour hoping a D cup but he reckons I could be DD which I don’t mind haha! What about you? X

    kelly p 33

    Im 7th of April so kind of glad that i have got this infection now ,
    I’m having 375cc UHP unders definitely but might be able to have 400cc
    Ive only bought c cup bras tho so might end up bigger xx

    Mary 10

    Ooh not long then! 3 weeks away? Yes I bet, you’re lucky you’ve got it now..
    I got offered 375 and I’ve been debating whether to change my mind, I know a lot of people change there minds at the very last minute
    I’ve ordered myself a macom bra, they just need your back size (32,34ect) and it moulds to your shape, apparently they’re really good! Have you got one? I googled a discount code and got money off it so it wasn’t that pricey.
    Where are you going for your op? X

    kelly p 33

    2 weeks Tuesday
    I’m in East sussex so going to a private hospital there
    I have specialist bras from a site that apparently do that they are c/d cup so might be ok
    What are your stats now 🙂

    Mary 10

    These next two weeks will fly by for you!! I hope everything goes well!!
    I’m currently a 32b!! I’m sure I could fit in an A cup but I buy B cup bras, all my bras a push up and SO much padding I can’t wait to get rid of them tomorrow! My weight is around 8 1/2 stone so anything bigger than a 375cc would not fit in me i could imagine! .. Have you got a day case or are you staying over? Xx

    kelly p 33

    My hospital only does over night stays
    I’m size 10/12 and 10st but all my weight is on my bottom half I’m very pear shaped 🙁
    I only have padded bras triple at that

    My surgeon told me to wear non padded bras for a few weeks so I get used to actually what my boobs truly look like so I get a realist comparison
    I couldn’t bring myself to do it tho
    I’d be so concious I literally have nothing 🙁 x

    Mary 10

    Aw I bet once you get your new boobies you’ll have a fab figure!!
    I totally understand I feel the exact same, as Ive spent the day in bed today I’ve not been wearing a bra under Neath my comfy clothes and I can not get my head around that they’re going to be biggeg and I’m actually going to have a decent pair on my chest

    Ellie 28

    I would personally still turn up to the hospital as all they asked me was ‘are you feeling fit and well today?’ I said yes and they were happy with that lol! Xx

    Mary 10

    Aw really Ellie, that’s good! I do feel fit and well just a horrible flemy cough now (sorry it sounds gross) .. I’m 100% going to turn up tomorrow and see where it goes from there! Thank you lovely x

    kelly p 33

    Can’t wait to have the phlegmy cough ha ha
    Mine won’t shift at the mo driving me nuts 🙁

    Mary 10

    What are you taking for it Kelly? Xx

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