Help !! The posts about sickness after op are putting me off ! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    People might tell me to grow up here but I have an extreme fear of being sick , and most posts have said how sick people have been after the anesthetic . I have wanted a BA for 9 years but the comments about how “sick and sore” they are straight out of surgery is putting me off and I really want a BA so does anyone there have any positive stories to refresh my head with ?! I’m a 32A and want to go to a C. Thanks in advance x

    Jennie 28

    Nothing, not even being sick after should put you off.
    A lot of negative comments on this forum. You won’t regret getting it done, so be excited and make sure you tell the anethesist your worry and he/she will make sure you have some drugs to reduce this.
    Good luck xx

    Katie 69

    Hi Stephanie

    I also have a fear of being sick but I just had to get on with it ( don’t mean that as horrible as it sounds) I was completely fine didn’t even feel sick it was more of a tight and heavy feeling and very very tired!!! You will be perfectly fine and if you mention it to the anethestist I’m sure they give you anti sickeness in your cannula

    You will be fine xx


    Thank you so much Jennie , I just want to look forward to it instead of dreading it ! Xx


    Thanks Katie , how long until you were feeling “normal” ? I’m in over night so hoping that might make the sleeping up right a little easier ! Xx

    Katie 69

    No problem Hun, I’m 19dpo now and I don’t feel to bad at all. I had 11 days off work so this is my second week back ( I’m an account manager for Samsung) so don’t do any manual work or lifting etc. It’s still a bit sore when I’m driving (putting into 5th and reverse) the sleeping is a tough one it’s horrible!!!! But I’d say after the first week and a half I am used to it now as long as you pad around you with pillows you’ll be good, definitely get a v pillow they are great!!! Have you had a co situations or anything yet? Xx

    Stacey 498

    I was completely fine after sugury Hun they give you anti sickness tablets while under and fluids so you shouldn’t be sick Hun xxx

    Sophie 38

    @stephanie it will be completely different for everyone but they can give you anti-sickness to help. I woke up after surgery with no pain or sickness, and I was laughing & joking with my partner pretty quickly. My nurse even commented on how well I’d recoooped and said I had a high pain threshold…which I wouldn’t say I do haha! You’ll be surprised how well your body manages xx

    Jordan 15

    I have a severe phobia of being sick! I’m literally sending myslef into anxiety over the thought of post op sickness and I’ve still got 9 weeks to go! I won’t even cope if anyone else is sick around me 🙁

    I’ve already decided I’m not taking tramadol/codine etc as I’ve felt super sick after those before and just going to ask for as much anti sickness as possible. Mum also has the same phobia so the car journey home should be fun if I’m puking!

    I’d honestly rather be awake and feel it then wake up sick or have sickness for the few days after!
    Sound sooo stupid to some, but I completely understand where you are coming from x


    I had my op 2days ago and I haven’t been sick at all. I felt a bit sick when i came round from surgery so I had some anti sickness drugs put through my cannula.
    Everyone is so different, just try not to think about it too much.
    Best of luck with your op xx

    Suzy 16

    Hiya, I’m exactly the same – my op is in 2 weeks and I’m terrified. Got a severe phobia and it’s setting off my anxiety – but I know I have to feel the fear and do it anyway!!


    Hi I had my op yesterday, no sickness what so ever, I was able to eat after about half an hour, then had a takeaway pizza when I finally got home haha. In quite a lot of pain today but will be totally worth it!! No need to worry at all!


    I had my op with mya in Fitzroy yesterday. I have to say the anaesthetist was lovely really put me at ease. She puts anti sickness in your cannula and personally I woke up feeling nothing but tired. The pain didn’t even kick in right away. I was just shattered. About an hour later they came round to try and get me to have a cup of tea and toast. I wasn’t sure at first but once I started eating I couldn’t stop. No sickness what so ever from anaesthetic. Yes today I’m in pain but honestly I already feel it’s worth it.

    Bobbie 1

    I didn’t feel sick at all, I had a really long wait for my op so when I woke up I was just starving!
    Not everyone gets it so don’t worry, try not to work yourself up into feeling sick. I just was sleepy, but surprisingly felt amazing after 🙂

    Erin 9

    Everyone is different! I was terrified too but I had next to no pain and wasn’t sick once!
    Don’t let it put you off as it might not happen to you but if so it’s only for a short period of time xxx

    Joey 8

    I didn’t get any sickness, I asked the anaesthetist to give me anti-sickness before I come round (injection) and they did 🙂 I also asked to take home anti sickness Tablets, which they gave me. I didn’t need them. So don’t worry, there is ways round the sickness issue xx


    I have a genuine phobia of vomit, I’m absolutely petrified of it! That was one of my biggest worries regarding the anaesthetic. They give you anti sickness drugs in your cannula. I didn’t feel th slightest bit sick after surgery, infact I felt really good afterwards!! My post-op posts on my page have more detail. The painkillers and antibiotics didn’t make me feel sick either. Good luck, I hope it goes well!!

    Nicola 26

    Yeah,everyone is different.I was sick on the way home and in the evening,but today I feel better. I am finding it hard sleeping upright now.2 hours here and there.I’ve been up since 745am,and moving about alot so not to get stiff.xx

    Laura 143

    I had my ba done under twilight sedation. So much better than genral. No side effects what so ever! Stood up from the operating table wheeled back to my room then got straight up to walk to the toilet unaided got dressed myself about 10 mins later had a coffee an some toast an left an hour after. Was so worried before the op about twilight sedation but was litrally the best thing ever x

    Chloe 17

    I had my op yesterday and had no sickness at all. As soon as I woke up I was drinking and had toast, biscuits and a cereal bar then a kfc on my way home! Still feeling fine today xx


    I’ve not had my BA yet but I have been put to sleep 3 times for ops on my eyes and woke up feeling fine the once then I felt sick on the other two but wasn’t actually sick just didn’t want to eat etc I think it affects different people in different ways hun don’t let it put you off though most of the time you just feel sick and not actually sick xx


    Laura , what’s twighlight sedation ?! Xx

    Kloe 3

    Hey Hun, I was completely fine after mine! I didn’t even have any pain killers after, I think the more anxious you are I think it probably makes it worse.. just try to put your mind at rest and think of waking up with boobies!! My experience was great, the staff are all so nice and reassure you as I had never had an op before! All the best, try not to panic xxx

    Laura 143

    I think only a few surgeons use it but its amazing ur out an as far as you know u have been under just like a genral but you have just really been asleep. I had mr Kazzazi xx

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