HELP WITH STRAPPING :( Started by: Naomi

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  • Naomi 2

    Need help! I’ve had my strapping on for 7 days now, don’t get it off until Saturday, but it’s literally tearing me apart, it’s giving me blisters, cuts, burns and even bleeding. The nurse said I had to keep it on but it’s too painful! Has anyone else took there’s off or have any advice!!? Thank you xxx

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    Jessica 15

    Hang in there Hun, I only had mine on for 7 days but it’s on for a reason. I had sores and was devastated as thought I’d scar and get infected, when you have strapping off I used germaline after a shower then used a antiseptic pad and changed it every day, after 3 days they’d all cleared up x


    Hey chick I would cut some off I don’t y Mya do this as they have bands that do the same job with out any pain


    You poor girls xx you could snip down the sides a bit to make loser xx

    abby rose 59

    I took mine off after 3 days, if it was me I would take it off that looks painful your normally only ment to have it on for 7 days xx

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