HELP worrying. Started by: natasha

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  • natasha

    Hi lady’s I was wondering if you could help with your story’s or help ease me lol. I’ve got my surgery booked for April, I’m currently a empty 26b, I’ve picked 380 implants as the 410 looked too big for my frame, size 10 8st 12oz. The thing is I want to achieve the natural look. I saw someone who had implants, and the looked like they had been stock on and all disfigured etc. I understand that everyone wants to achive there own personal look. As I’ve said mine I want to look normal and natural, now I’m worrying that there not going to look like that, have I chose too big lol xxx

    claire1984 7

    Hey.. Are you having overs or unders.. Feel free to add me. I originally had 410 cui unders, but had a re op with 420 natrelle responsives.. I have lots of pics on so u can look and get a idea of sizing. I am a size 8 n weigh just under 8 stone.. They are no way to big for my frame.. X


    Can I add you please x

    claire1984 7

    Me or Natasha? But yes lol x

    ayshababy 5

    hey dont worry they wont look too big or stuck on even my 525cc overs didnt look fake xx


    Hi Claire thanks for your advice my cps said if I wanted them to and feel natural then surgeon will prob do unders, when I saw surgeon he said over so a little confussed lol. I’ve got a pic of me now and with the 380 I will add it in a min when I’ve added you. Xx


    I’ve sent you a request a while back I think as says waiting lol Xx

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