Helpppp please girls :) 36 small A Size 12 5’6″ and 60kg Started by: Shelley

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  • Shelley 9

    I am booked in in 2 weeks Aug 27th for HP overs as I have enough breast tissue apparently. Ms Lutz has recommended 225CC which seems really small to me and I’m worried about stretch marks, rippling etc with overs. Anybody else with similar stats and should I push for unders? I want a natural D and don’t want the implants to be visible. Any pre/post pics would be fab if you can. And suggestions on the under/over dilemma. Thanks x

    Fiona 2

    Hey! I’m 3 weeks post op with 350 overs. I’m 5’8” 58kg – I was. 34a/b and am I think now a 34 D/DD. No rippling or stretch marks at all. I had such a dilemma deciding too! I feel mine are natural especially in clothing, I don’t think anyone would know? Are too going for moderate plus? xx

    Shelley 9

    I will be having high profile overs but so worried about rippling in the future. Which surgeon did you have can I ask? I have every confidence in ms lutz but maaaan its such a minefield out there. I wonder why there is so much difference in high profile/mod profile and the cc!! Do yours look natural out of clothes do you think? Thanks loads for replying xx

    Fiona 2

    I didn’t go with Mya. I used a private surgeon based in Southampton. I’ve heard Mr Lutz is good though as transform recommend him to me. I feel like they do look natural both in and out of clothing. They’re still dropping and fluffing so I expect them to get softer as time goes on. Mine are moderate plus, best of both worlds ? I don’t think Mr Lutz would offer you overs if he felt you would get ripping later? I wasn’t even offered unders at all! ?‍♀️ xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Fiona 2.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Fiona 2.

    I’m 5.8 I got 325cc mod plus. And I can tell you they are way too small for me. When I am in cloths it is not noticeable at all! I would defiantly go bigger. I was wearing 32 d bras but my surgeon said my breast tissue was more like s b cup x

    Shelley 9

    Hi Laura. Who was your surgeon? I wonder why they recommend different profiles for people – I don’t understand the diff between a 325mod plus and a high profile 225. Baffles me lol! X

    Shelley 9

    Hi Fiona, yes I think you’re right, Ms Lutz (she’s a female surgeon 😉 ) is very confident and I’m certain knows what would be best for me although I have a lot of questions for my next consultation with her on 19th. It’s reassuring to know she has been recommended 🙂
    It was the same for me re unders – they haven’t been suggested as I have enough breast tissue. glad you’re pleased with yours xx

    Jaclyn 41

    Im size 10 and 5.6. had 350cc wish I had bigger!

    Lorramarie 4

    Hello Shelley,

    I am 5ft 6 and im between an 32 A and 32 B, very flat at the top of my breast and im also 59 kg, i wouldnt worry about rippling as the implants that are used nower days are built to try to prevent it, you can be more prone to rippling with saline implants. My surgery is on the 24th and im having a choice out of 350 cc and 375 cc but i know i want 375cc also Moderate Plus Silicone Implant. When is your surgery ? If it is after mine ill be happy to show you some fresh photos as we are so similar in sizing if youd like ?

    Its all abouy the end product and what you want if you want big boobs or smaller ones.. im aware from speaking to girls from this forum on instagram have shown me what my results will be and im aware that moderate plus in the size 350cc to 375cc will give me a D to a E ofcourse everyones diffrent but id really make sure youre 100 percent happy with your decision of sizes and whether its under or on top of muscle. You are the one paying for it and its not about them its about you and making yourself feel better.

    Also, if the surgeon reccomended over the muscle this means you have enough breast tissue to cover the implant so theres no need to go under the muscle as it takes alot of time to heal rather than over the muscle. Please let us know what you decide! Xx

    Hannah 29

    I’m 5″4, around 60kg too and had 225 and 250hp overs and I’ve gone from a 34aa to 34d/dd.

    Shelley 9

    Wow Hannah, that’s great and very reassuring. can I ask who did you have and do you have before and afters please? xx
    Lorramari, how did your surgery go? Are you recovering well? I really appreciate all the information and reassurance you have given me and my surgery is now booked for 10th sept with Mr Giannas. I’m so excited although nervous obviously. Who did your op? I would love to see before and afters if possible. Omg Im so pleased this forum exists as it really helps to chat to other girls xx

    Alex 17

    Hello, I was the same, before my operation I was 34A which were flat across the top and always thought that I was going to have unders until my surgeon did the ‘pinch test’ and said that I should have overs, I was terrified they were going to be visible but I trusted him and I’m so happy I did! I think mine look really natural, I’ll insert a picture below!

    I went from 34A and would say I’m about a 36 D/DD due to swelling at the minute, I’m currently only 3 days PO so they’re going to settle even more

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Alex 17.
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    Shelley 9

    Alex they look amazing thanks. Who was your surgeon? x

    Hannah 29

    Hi Shelley. I didn’t go with mya. I’m a size 8, 5 ft 4, around 10 stone (on a v heavy day). I had little shape beforehand so the new DDs make me feel very curvy it’s great

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