Just had my strapping taken off to discover I have heptoma in my right. quite painful but nothing unbearable. Been advised to take anti inflammatories and ipbrufens, not aspirin.
Feeling really down and upset
Any other girls get heptoma? Did it disperse?
Please girls I need re assurance my life’s just taken a nose dive x
If your referring to a haematoma ive had one before but not in the same place as you mine was (downstairs) I fell off a push bike ended up in hospital! So completely different kettle of fish but I would recommend arnica tablets they worked a treat for mine!! Give it ago xx
I mean heamatoma yes bAbe, I’m just gunna take what I’ve been told to take my mum is reading up on it now for me while I just mong on the sofa feeling sorry for myself trying not to stress out 🙁 Hopefully my circulation will increase now bcos the strappings off which even the nurse said was way too tight xxxxx
Awww girlie…..it will be all okay don’t let it put you down hun…..take what they recommended. i just read about it and it should disappear on its own once the circulation is back to normal….lots of hugs for you xxx
Do you think its a lot to do with the poor circulation?? Cos that’s what I’m thinking! I feel ALOT better since strapping came off xxxxx
From what i read about it…that’s what it seems to be…..pretty much like a big bruise . I’m sure it will be gone in few days xxx
Hi rosie i had one in my right breast mine was quite large and wasnt noticed until 11 days after my intial surgery i just thought it was more swollen then my other breast but as a hematoma is basically a collection of blood this put pressure on my incision and i started bleeding from my incision so seeked help and i actually had to have another op, they removed implant cleaned everything out and then replaced the implant that was almost 5 weeks ago now and things are starting to settle down altho the brusing still hasnt fully gone, im guessing since they are leaving your hematoma to resolve on its on it is prob not very large, we just have to rest up and take things a little easier but im sure you will be fine try not to worry too much hun xx
Hope it get better soon but beside this little hiccup are you happy with your results so far?
Hi Michelle thanks for sharing, that scares me a bit you must have been under a lot of stress during this time your poor thing 🙁 it seems since strapping off today it’s become smaller and less noticeable, I’ll add you now and you can take a look at my pics and see for yourself, it doesn’t have any bruising or redness whatsoever like most hematomas, felt the pain in the right PO day 2. I have been taking pics and I have a gap between my skin and my strap of my sports bra on my right but not on my left so that’s helping me keep an eye on it, when that gap has gone I won’t have to worry!!!! It already doesn’t hurt as much and I can only hope it goes down now. Thanks for sharing your story im glad you’re happy now and it’s calmed down!!
Hey amy I’ll add you too if I haven’t already got you And you can see my pics yes boo I absolutely love them <3 xxxxx
Hey Hun hope your okay. ? How did you no you had a hemotoma ? My right breast is slightly more swollen than my left and feels a bit weird atm .Or is it more noticeable than just that ? Get well soon X
Hey Rebecca, I feel fine! My mums friend is over tonight and she is a nurse – said it looks absolutely fine to her and nothing not normal, she’s surprised I’ve even been told I have Haematoma, and she said that it’s normal for more swelling in one than the other especially so soon after my op.
However, I was (and am) experiencing more pain in a certain spot on my right boob, maybe I’ve over reacted about it, but my nurse is the one who told me it was Haematoma, she said this was due to the right being bigger than left, and causing me more pain. My left isn’t causing me any pain whatsoever! It’s just my right, I’m hoping it’ll fade and pass. The right is also a bit firmer than left (or so my mum thinks, I think they feel the same lol). My GP on the phone earlier told me not to worry, and that I’m also fine to fly as I’ve been mobile over the past few days, getting up and walking round and going out etc. If you wanna add me and chat hun go ahead, I’ll add you now, your pic looks amazing <3 xxxxxx
Hi Rosie, Iv just ready your story Utd do nice to read a full account with all the details. I find it helps to have a better understand for when I have my op. It’s in like 3 weeks! Glad that yours is starting to heal I hope it all goes away for you and you can enjoy them to their fullest. X
Aww glad its been handy for you hun 🙂 Yeah definitely this site is a god send.. Aww 3 weeks away not long at all!! I didn’t have a run up to mine cos I took a late space so it was very unorganised for me haha!!! Not on MYA’s part but on mine lol 😛 Yeah I hope it goes away too!! I’ll keep you all posted and got lots of pics up to track my progress so I’ll add you now if I don’t already have you xxxx
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