Hi Girls can I see some pics of MR Adamos work??? Pleeeaaase!! Started by: jessica

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  • jessica

    Hi girls

    I would really like to see somw before and after pics of Mr Adamos work if possible??
    I am having a lift with BA in 4 days time!! AAAAGGGHHHH!
    I want to see if hes as good as every1 says as I am sooo worried about the scarring issue! As I am having thae lollipop lift thing!:cry:

    email e_f_772005@yahoo.co.uk

    Thanku thanku

    Emma xxxxxxx


    I’ve not had my boobs done yet but i have seen a lot of girls who have had him have put pics on the So Feminine website if your not already on there x good luck x


    Hi i had mine done with Mr Adamo 3 weeks ago, i had 460 hp overs, your welcome to see my pics x x


    Hi lucy could i aswell? hope you dont mind me asking? If so my email add is xsarax@sky.com…how are you feeling now? What size were you to start with? 2 weeks 2 days for me ;) xx


    Hey could i have a peek aswell please.
    I have a consultation with Dr Adamo and wouldnt mind seeing some of his work. Im looking to go for 460s aswell.
    My email is errin_1@hotmail.co.uk.


    Hi jessica had uplift&implants on 19th sept its o.k the scarring lollypop thing isnt great to start with but have every faith it will b fine!I looked on internet at b4&after pics but the afters were 6 to 9months post op&looked great but dont look that great at first.I wish i cud of got away with just implants but my boobs were odd!Ask away anything u want im only 3days post op tho!xx


    Hi Polly!!

    Had my op Wed 23rd Sept I am sooooo swollen and sore!!! They look huuuuggggeee! Got home a few hours ago… I have my dressings to be changed on Monday havnt seen my scars but they are weeping a bit.
    Where did u have ur op?? I was at Highgate how did u find it?
    Emma xxx


    to lucyloo
    hey im having either 410 or 460 hp on 14 oct with mr adamo, anychance i can see your before and after pictures please if u wouldnt mind. i wanna see how big they look
    if this is ok please send to louisa27072007@aol.co.uk
    thanx so much !:rolling:


    Hey LucyLoo!

    I’m having BA with Mr Adamo in November… He said either 380 0r 410 overs… I still want them to look natural though and I’m worried overs will look too fake (I’m only 30B) So if you didn’t mind I’d love to see your pics?? If it’s ok my email is yo.zervides@googlemail.com.

    Thanks hun and sorry to be so cheeky!:bigsmile:

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