High Profile or Moderate? Started by: Daisy

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  • Daisy

    Does anyone really understand the difference? Do moderates avoid the big gap in the middle? Do you need to go up a bigger size for the same impact? Sorry for all the questions!

    leigh taylor -4

    A 615cc high profile implant will be narrower but project more than a moderate profile implant of 615cc. I was always under the impression if you have have a narrow chest you have to have high profile implants and for wider chests it’s moderate but I’m not 100% to be honest. I had teardrops so got what I was given lol! X


    I’ve been checking out your teardrops- they look amazing! I always thought teardrops were for an ultra natural look but yours are way more round.

    I’m really starting to think I should have a moderate rather than the high- you dont seem to get the side boob if you go for high if you have a broad chest

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