High profiles? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    Do high profiles make you a bigger size or is it cos there more rounded and make them more fuller? I’m a little confused think I’m having mod people but I don’t understand them that well I’m seeig my surgion tomorow so will discuss it then but my ops 16 th December and really really wanna be sure of what I’m havig also with high rifles arnt they longer so the insision would be bigger? Sorry for the silly questions xx


    That’s such a good questioned I wanna know this too x

    sophiemarie -4

    The profile of an implant is how much the implant sticks out from ur chest.
    Low profile are wider and flatter
    High profile are slimmer width but stick out further.
    But whatever “cc” ur having will still be the same. Google it and look at images x


    Your surgeon will suggest the profile anyway ie..high,extra high he will know what you will need for your frame and desired look.High is generally full but natural look extra high is more the fake look x


    Profile is to do with the width and how far it protrudes/projects from your chest wall, it makes no difference in size. You have what is called a BWD, Base Width Diamiter, it is the width of your chest, if you have a very narrow chest you will need a high/xhp implant to allow it to fit, the same goes for using a very large size implant, for example I have 615, there’s not enough room in the sides of the breast to hold that volume so the cc needs to be pushed forward/off my chest wall to allow it to fit. Theres a pic on my blog here that will help explain : http://noobiestoboobies.blogspot.ie/2013/10/breast-implant-catalouges-sizing-info.html

    hope this helps x

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