Highgate hospital Started by: Cherry91

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  • Cherry91 -1

    I’m there on the 24th, was wondering what it was like? And how long before your op do you get your admission time? 🙂 xx

    Misfion 3

    The hospital is really nice, the staff are friendly and the food is good 🙂 They don’t provide slippers or a dressing gown but the walk to the theatre is short. I only took my slippers and my little bag of nice things 🙂 There is a tv and wifi so you are able to entertain yourself x
    Admission is normally 2 days before but sometimes they know before so if you haven’t heard by then call mya xxx

    Misfion 3

    Oh my admission was 2pm and I think I went into surgery at 1645 or something. But I have heard girls having admission at 10 and being in an hour later xxx


    Highgate was lovely and everyone there was so friendly 🙂 I found out my admission time 4 days before my op which wad 1130. I booked im at 1100 and was in theatre at 1230 🙂 so quick! xxx


    See u there i am on the 24th xx

    Cherry91 -1

    That’s so great that its nice there, really not a fan of hospitals,
    Ooo wow that is super quick, I hope mine is like that!
    Thanks ladies 🙂

    Yes natstar see you there 🙂 let me know when you get your admission time


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