Holiday and Driving? Started by: Isabella

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    Hi everyone, I have my BA booked for the 8th August but have realized that EXACTLY two weeks after I have a business trip (only 3/4 days) to Mallorca, it won’t be anything strenuous (although talks of a day over to Ibiza has been discussed!!) – do you think I would be ok to go?

    Also how long until I can drive, I usually drive home to my mums every weekend (about a 45 mins drive on an A road).

    Thanks xx


    You should be able to drive after a week, I could but I guess it might depend on if you have overs or unders. I believe short haul flights (under 2 hours) are ok after 2 weeks. You should check with your surgeon though x


    You’ll be fine! Just pack light as if I had a heavy bag around 2 weeks po I’d feel it and my boobs would not thank me! I could have driven after a week at a pinch, but 10 days was when I really felt comfortable to 🙂


    Thanks ladies, really helpful!! xx

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