horrid boobs Started by: sadie123

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    I really wish I could upload pics of my horrid boobs! They r so odd n look weird as if there is a problem with them but my surgeon is on leave til jan so can’t see anyone til then. I don’t no what’s wrong wi them tho, maybe cc or bottomed out. Why can’t I upload pics off my phone it says its too big but its only 2mb. I wanted someone who has had a problem wi there’s to look n c if iv got a prob wi mine but can’t get bloody pic on! Grrrrr x


    Try emailing them to yourself then uploading as it should do it smaller 🙂
    Also if you want to see someone, you have a right to see any of MYA’s surgeons (I’m on my third!) so get booking an appointment.
    Hope your ok xx


    Hey hun go on the pik n crop it that may work it did once I cropped my piks. Mine bottomed out xx


    Ah iv managed to upload em now, we’ll they say I have to wait to c the surgeon who opperated as she’s on maternity leave n then if she says there’s nowt wrong then I can c someone else but iv waited since june. I hate em! They r so odd n so small! X


    That’s not fair you should beable to see a surgeon now.while she’s off. Then if they agree the reop could be arranged for jan. I’d ring back n stress it as if you don’t you don’t seem to get anywere with them xxx


    I went back for my 12 week check n saw mr kazzazi as my surgeon went on leave the day after my op n he said oh they r a bit odd but just massage them. Total crap. They r horrid! X


    Can u c my pics? Hav u had a look t c how horrid they r x


    Mr kazzazi likes the “massage” bit lol.. does not work at all lol. Mr kazzazi did mine they bottomed out and got doyble bubble he said massage them they will get better they didn’t xx


    How did u get the re op then? I’m so upset I paid a lot of money, had time away from my kids n now I don’t even like showing them to my partner when really I should wanna walk around wi my boobs out lol x


    Pesterd and argued lol I saw him 3x before he agreed and on last time I.sat n argued for an hour lol xxx


    Just don’t no if I can do it, which clinic was u at x


    Leeds. Course u can honest I’m like a little mouse 1st 2 times I sat quiet n just said ok. Last time I was so mad and upset I said exactly how I felt. That I didn’t pay 4k to hate my boobs and I knew if I didn’t do it is b upset for years n I didn’t want that. U just have to say it how it is u have nothing to loose xx


    Ah I went there too, was louisa ur pc? She has told me I have to wait for my surgeon to come back n not to worry honestly, what ever that means x


    Can’t see piks chick we need to be friends.. yea she’s my pc she told me to wait too but I said I want happy n tht I wanted to see someone so she said she would sort it n I just kept ringing till she did xxx


    Good luck to you hun, my boobs are bottomed out following my reaug in march and they are refusing to sort them despite a surgeon agreeing they are bad. Now im suck with deformed boobs which are making me feel depressed x


    Have they not agreed it lozza? Babe seek advice cause that is not fair xx


    Iv accepted u sadie my piks r all good till page 5 lol. My new ones start mid of page 6.. thers that many its all confusing xx


    Just looked at yours sadie.. it appears 1 has bottomed out.. with the nipple pointing upwards but it is strange as there quite level normally it slips down lower than the other so there wonky.. but the upper pole on the the boob were the nipple points upwards is slightly lower than the other 1. So to me def looks to have bottomed out xx

    nicca1980 2

    Def stand your ground, you paid money to mya and your contract is with mya not the surgeon in question they work for mya not you! You are not happy and it’s not good enough, ask to chAnge pcs if you get no joy go straight to head office, this company is privately owned so I wouldn’t worry too much that you won’t get delt with its just how long they can fob you off for!


    Ive added u sadie hope thats ok? Ive been told no chance beckie. Its quite complicated cos of the whole PIP saga, but after seeing the surgeon recently and being told i would be entitled to getting this sorted despite that, and now being told i cant by head office i feel so depressed. I cant afford to have them done elsewhere as i just dont have the money so im going to hav to live with this for god knows how long. To say i feel let down is putting it mildly x


    I’d go see wot help u can get hun this dusnt seem right its terrible. End of the day they have a duty of care and they can’t leave u like it.. id def look into other options xxx

    Rachel -1

    how the hell can they refuse to re-op if theres clearly a problem!!!! put your foot down seriously!!!! id be furious!!! xx


    Thanks so much for ur replies, it makes me think now its not in my head there is actually a problem. Just wish I could get these sorted asap! X

    charlie1 -3

    Sadie I’ve messaged u Hun x


    Charlie wil u add me chick, how did u get the re op? Hav u got any pics I can c xx

    charlie1 -3

    I’ll add u now Hun x


    Beckie, ur boobs look amazing now xx


    Thankyou… Although I wint hold my breath as my old 1s was till 3 month po. I still have double bubble its just only obvious so far in a daylight room. But I’m still pleased so far xxx


    Thanks girls, ile definitly be seeking outside advice cos i cant live with them like this forever, they will get worse over time as the implants drop further and then i wont be able to wear any low cut tops in case my nipples stick over the top, they already ride over bras. Beckie your boobs are lookin really good now, the slight double bubble shud settle down soon, u must be relieved afer everything x


    Sadie, i just took a look at your pic and definitly agree that your left boob has bottomed out, it looks like both mine with the nipples riding way too high, my left one is slightly worse than my right. It needs sorting, i really do hope you have better luck. You shouldnt have to wait till jan to see someone, that a joke x

    Rachel -1

    surely right if theres obvious problems with them, i simply can’t understand why they aren’t willing to correct it…am i missing the point here?? making me quite annoyed this xx


    Thanks lozzalooloo, I txt my pc this mornin n she said she was gonna txt my surgeon this week n c ffor dedo when she’s coming bk, hope I don’t hav to wait too long! I hate them xx


    Defo don’t give up on this Sadie and ring them every day if you have to.
    Mya staff are not very good at returning calls etc. so keep on their case!
    Good luck and hope you get it sorted xx

    Emma b

    Hi girls can I ask what bottomed outranks I’m unsure?xx

    Rachel -1

    sharing joannabella’s neverending knowledge – it means when the implant slips out of the pocket which was created. it’s quite rare and is more common in overs or larger implants xx

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