Hot boobies Started by: Ele Wills

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  • Ele Wills 69

    Literally feel burny is this normal? Can’t wait for the weeks to just fly by now so they can work there magic ha and I asap want my nails hair and to get some tan on hahaha come on healinggggg xxxx

    Jay 36

    Yeah mine are on fire 24/7, keeps me warm though so I quite like it! Ha xx

    Ele Wills 69

    Haha yes good feel like I’m sleeping with the quilt on my arms and body then no boobies haha might just start cutting boob holes so they can breathe ? Xxx

    lindsey 123

    Can we go on the sunbed with implants will they over heat? Or do we need to use fake tan xxxx

    Jay 36

    @lynzzi25 you can do both but not until you’re 6 weeks PO. If you go on the sunbeds they recommend to cover up your scars in the sun or sunbeds for at least a year because if you tan them they won’t fade as easily, and it says not to be worried if your implants still feel warm afterwards as they will take longer to cool than the rest of your body xx

    Ele Wills 69

    Omg so glad I read this dont use beds often but if I did know I’d have a panic attack thinking my boobs are gunna pop or something ha there still even hotter this morning I’m taking it as a sign there healing cause the pain is so so much better I think I might actually be able to go outside again soon haha ?Xxx

    Ele Wills 69

    My left boob hurts more than my right though but guessing it’s cause my left would have a weaker muscle I don’t know haha just can’t wait for these weeks to fly by oh an they feel rock solid today! Xxx

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