Hotel in London tip!!! Started by: Yana

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  • Yana 51

    Ladies, my husband and i just booked the Millenium Chelsea hotel through secret escapes, £99 per nigh including breakfast! We stayed there before and it’s magnificent, usually it’s £300-400 quid a night and this time it’s £99! He’s a Chelsea fan so he’s happy and we looked that even Holiday. Inn is more than that! So we booked for September on our anniversary too 🙂 it’s about 4.5 miles from Fiztroy. We ‘ll be staying the night before and my husband will stay there whilst I’m in overnight (BA&Tummy Tuck:) we’ll leave the car there and take the tube to the hotel.. Just thought someone might be interested 🙂

    Yana 51

    The offer ends in 12 Days by the way…

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