How accurate is rice in a stocking? Testing 255 Vs 290 Started by: Victoria

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  • Victoria 4

    Hi ladies!

    Surgery booked for 10th June (eeeek!) and struggling to decide between 255 or 290. I’ve done as suggested and weighed out some rice grams = cc’s and been testing them both out.

    290 definitely seems too big for me, whilst 255 is pretty much perfect. Mine are going to be anatomical, dual plane, moderate +

    Anyway, can I rely on the real 255 implant having the same outcome? I wouldn’t want to be any smaller than this, but the risk of coming out as big as the 290 rice boobs look is putting me off going for that 🫣

    Did anyone else try it before and can say if it gives a good idea or not?

    Thanks so much!

    Hannah 32

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    Hey I tried rice in a lunch bag (better than tights) and found my after result was very similar! Have attached pics. With the top on is with 350 rice test and my end result cxx

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Hannah 32.
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    Victoria 4

    Thank you for your reply this is super helpful! You look amazing!

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