How bad is the sickness afterwards? Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe

    Hi girls,

    Can I ask, what was your experience with sickness after your op?

    What kind of tablets so they actually give you and do these help?

    What actually causes it and what can I do to prevent it?

    Thanks :)! Xxx


    Went I went down for my anaesthetic before he gave me the anaesthetic he injected anti sickness into my cannula and I wasn’t sick at all after. They give you some water when you wake up but tell you to sip it slowly. I think long car journeys don’t help


    Zoe Jordan 17

    I had an antisickness before I woke up and then again about 2 hours after I woke, I was sick once the first time I got out of bed but I think that was mostly due to the morphine I’d had and motion sickness, it’s the only time I was sick and being as I’d only had water in the space of 24 hours, it didn’t freak me out (total phobia of being sick)


    I didnt feel sick at all and normally i end up feeling sick when my body is being messed about with. Take it easy, make sure you dont eat wild things after you have had the op and you should be just fine! Like a nugget i had a very sickly chocolate pot on the night of my op to treat myself. I didnt even feel sick after that! So lucky ahah



    Before anesthetic they give you an anti sickness drug, I wasn’t sick at all and ate mc’donalds 4/5 hours later lol. I am the world biggest wimp for pain, a paper cut will get me winging but I was SO surprised by the pain, don’t get me wrong you’ll feel fragile but for me it was more of an ache than pain, You will get a course of antibiotics and I believe these helped to heal the scars. I am just over a week post op, I’m moving around fine, no pain or even aches anymore and my scars look brilliant so I would advise you to finish the course.

    The worst part is sleeping as I like to be on my side but for me that only lasted 2/3 nights then I become more and more comfortable. All in all it’s just uncomfortable, not painful but SO worth it, I’d do it over and over again to keep my new boobies!

    Hope it goes well 🙂 x

    Francesca -1

    i’m always sick from GA so they gave me something with the GA to stop me being sick hun, they can probs do the same for you if you ask xxx


    Hi Hun the anaesthetic itself causes the sickness and although they give u an anti sickness jab in theatre some people still suffer with sickness when they wake from surgery and it can last for a few days as it did with me 🙁 was horrible…but does wear off eventually I’d say just eat something like ginger biscuits and also salt and vinegar crisp help small sips of water and ginger beer 🙂 u never know u might not get it at all xx


    Ugh I have to admit, I have a real phobia of sickness…call me a first class germophobe!

    I tend to react badly to any medications, sickness and nausea being my number one symptom, so that’s why I’m a bit worried! Xxxx

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