How did people decided Started by: Natalie Capper

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    Hey, I’m still doing my research but have a consultation on Friday,
    I wanted to no how did people decided wether they wanted the implants sub muscular or sub glandular,
    Cause im reading the information for it and there seems to be pros and cons for both of them for me….
    And advice would be grateful

    Sophie 123

    Hi hun your surgeon should recommend best placement for you depending in how much great tissue you have and what you desire for end result etc. just tell them exactly how you want them to look xx

    Ashie 36

    My surgeon said i could have either but if i had overs he said you would be able to see the outline of implant as i have a tiny frame and if i wore a bikini and a low cut top everyone would see too so i went for unders for a more natural look. X

    Sophie 123

    Ahh stupid auto correct, depending on how much breast tissue you have that should say.

    Amy 265

    Defo really down to your surgeon your frame and what you have already got to work with x


    Ohh, see for over it says if u do exercise is better, but then for the more natural look, but I’m going into mental health nursing in secure units, so that would be better, but the looked at the under and they are better for getting better mammograms and iv got a really high history of breast cancer, so will be getting them done from around 30 ish depends if anyone else gets in my family and it will go lower then to.

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