How do I go about complaining? Started by: esia704

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  • esia704 7


    I have read some stories of ladies that werent happy with the service and i was thinking to myself that i did not want to be put in this situation but here i am wanting to complain…has anyone done it, how do i go about it? X

    Phoebe 10

    oh no, whats happened? I think if you hover over ‘About us’ on the top bar and click ‘complaints policy’ it should say there

    Ella Beau 50

    I’m also looking for the complaints procedure but can’t find it neither xx


    Sorry to hear you haven’t had a good experience 🙁
    Ella what happened with you? I thought everything went well? X

    Ella Beau 50

    Hi Lauren, sorry for the late reply I haven’t been on here for a while. Mya cancelled my op on the day due to me not being unwell, but now I’m stuck as they’ve only offered me a couple of dates and I can’t have anymore time off this year as my boss in on maternity, which they were aware of before the op. I’m now in a really difficult situation. This happened three weeks ago and nothing has been resolved yet which is so upsetting/annoying. Up until this point my journey with them has been good but now I don’t know which way to turn and feel I am just being completely messed around. X

    Ella Beau 50

    And I still can’t find the complaints procedure anywhere which is driving me insane. I think it must appear different on a phone to a computer x

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