How do they put you to sleep? Started by: olivia

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  • olivia

    I know this is really random but I’m booked for 14th jan not scared at all big worried on how you get put to sleep ? Can anyone with new lovely boobs help me please who have had the Experiance xx

    Stephanie -1

    They hit you with a big hammer 😉

    No seriously they pit a small cannula in your hand (well this is what I had) a nice nurse does that and speaks really nicely to you whilst doing it, you are on your bed/trolley at this point then when it’s in, you get a little drug squirted in, then the anaesthetist starts chatting holds a nice clear little mask over you’re itch just says relax and breath in, you do this a couple of times thinking I’m not tired, then the next thing you know you are awake and have boobs!!


    Yeah it’s just like Stephanie said. The GA was the only bit I was worried about too, but the anethesist really does put your mind at ease. Just say to him/her if you have any worries and I’m sure they will answer them. xx

    sillymilly 2

    Ha ha Stephanie the hammer comment luv it. Yep hun as the girls say just like that and to be honest it’s a great feeling just like when your on the way after a few vodkas. If I could pay more often to be put to sleep i would it’s great xxx


    I woke up with a mask but before I went didn’t have it, they put the cannular in and he had 2 tubes of white fluid he put them into my cannular I got a really strange taste in my mouth felt whoozy, then woke up in recovery with oxygen mask on 🙂 really easy and nice to have a lovely sleep, I thought put me back xxx


    Thank you girls also a little question? Have any of you done finance I have finance but I’ve gone with the big deposit of 1600 I’ve already paid 700 and we agreed I would pay 200 this Friday then 700 the Friday after but then that leaves me with no money over Xmas I wanted to pay 100 this Friday 500 next then 300 on the 11th jan but my opp is the 13th do you think that would be ok? Xx


    That’s one thing that was worrying me.. doesn’t sound too bad though 🙂 just have to remember the people putting you under are professionals, they’ve done it so many times before. The fact you’re paying to have the surgery (and not just the NHS) makes me feel a bit better too lol


    Not had my op yet but getting put under is ace apart from the little needle in your hand had general twice one thing I am not worried about ha enjoy the rest 😉 x

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