How do you explain BA to your kids? Started by: Minimummy

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  • Minimummy 3

    Hi there,

    I’ve booked my BA for next month and I’m feeling pretty nervous about it! Been wanting to do it for years and finally took the plunge! Now I’m actually doing it I’m wondering how to approach it with my daughters? What do you tell them? How do you explain it without causing them to feel self conscious about their bodies?

    They are 6 & 9. They are always around when I’m getting changed and are forever coming in when I’m in the bath. Should I be honest or just try and keep covered? Don’t know what to do?

    Danielle 1

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    Interested in this too! My girls are 8 and 5. They’ll obviously notice but like you don’t want to make them feel self conscious!?

    Louise 25

    This has been the main thing holding me back, for years. I’ve 2 kids, boy 11 and girl 9. My 9 yr old is already very body image aware 🙄 I’m 43, I’m going to tell mine that really it was breastfeeding for a long time that left me with empty boobs, and I’ve thought about it for a long time, true. I want them to understand that I wanted to improve something that has changed significantly, rather than striving for the perfect body.

    Emma 3

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    Hi, I’m 5 weeks post op and have a daughter aged 11 and son aged 15. I was really worried about this but just kept it simple.. I just explained that my boobs were no longer how they used to be and I wanted them abit bigger! Neither seemed that bothered really to be honest !

    Minimummy 3

    Thanks so much for your replies. Good to know that you girls had the same thoughts as me. I don’t think my younger one will be bothered, just more worried about my older daughter. She is already is a bit self conscious about her ears, one sticks out and she’s been bullied about it with other girls calling her dumbo. She is also extremely skinny, she gets upset sometimes when she’s looking at herself in the mirror.

    Going to think about it a bit more and then sit down with them and talk to them about it. Also don’t really want them running round the playground telling everyone! 😂😂😂

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