How do you know?? Started by: Montana

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  • Montana 19

    Hpw do you know if your incisions are getting infected? I noticed this morning i have a small yellow patch on my incision, that incision is more red then my other too. Any advice would be appreciated xx

    Laura 143

    I had a small yellow patch apear, i paniked thinking it was an infection starting. It was a few stitches that had pushed out. The nurse pulled them out for me but since then i have pulled 4 or 5 out myself when they have started poking out. Have a feel with clean hands obviously an if you feel anything sharp/prickly will probably be a few stitches if not you might be best getting it looked at just incase it is an infection. Xx

    Montana 19

    Ill attach a picture. Iv made my skin a bit paler so ypu can see it a bit better. The yellow patch it right at the top in the middle. I cant feel anything when i touch it xx

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    Stacey 498

    That looks fine to me Hun looks like it healing well looks more like bruising the yellow bit if was infected it would be like a angry red and puffy also the yellow would be a puss type liquid xx

    Montana 19

    Im going to see the nurse tomorrow so hopefully it’s nothing to worry about xx

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