HOW DO YOU WASH?!? Started by: Abigail Todd

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  • Abigail Todd 14

    Ok so I’ve had my op done Wednesday morning and haven’t showered for like 2 and a half days?! I am scared too it sounds so stupid! Is this normal?! I just can’t be bothered to do anything all I wanna do is sleep!
    Any help would be great! X

    Cliona 42

    Shallow bath for belly button down half and upper body with wet wipes, hair over bath either leaning back if someone else can do
    It or over sink if you can do it. Grim but necessary. Lol

    Abigail Todd 14

    I was thinking that way! I’m gonna try was my hair tomorrow over the bath cause to be honest the pain isn’t bad at all it’s more of an ache it’s bearable!
    Thank you!

    Cliona 42

    If no ones going to smell you wait until you have the energy, you’ll feel better for it though. I got my hair washed on 4 dpo and felt amazing!!!!

    Happy healing lovely!x

    Abigail Todd 14

    Nah I’m just in the house I’m not bothered really but my hair is getting awful! Think I’m going to wash it tonight, my mum is doing everything for me so she’ll help ???? It’s my 4th today!!

    Thank you!xxx

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