How does everyone afford their surgery?! Started by: Charlie

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  • Charlie

    Hi girls. I was in line for about 4k bonus from work and now I’m not getting it. 🙁 So now I’m trying to think of how to pay for surgery. I’m scared to be in debt and I don’t want to be skint every month. Can people let me know how you payed if used finance / credit cards and how much does that cost you a month? I want rhino which means I need about 4k. Thanks xxx


    Hey Hun thanks for the reply. That really isn’t too bad! What finance company did you use? X


    I went through Mya’s finance. They use a company called 121 finance. Mya put it all through for you and set it all up. All you need to do is sign the paperwork that you get emailed and bobs your uncle!! I heard back about being accepted for the finance in 3 hours too so really quick response 🙂 xx


    Pure hardcore saving!!! Took me less than a year and now booked for BA December 28th.. I’d much rather wait and save then be in debt or end up paying stupid amounts more than I needed to.. X




    Have you tried tescos or sainsburys for loans. I got mine through sainsburys and they promise to beat competition. The interest I got was 15% but could have got 12% if I had time to send the competitions quote to them but I had less than a wk to the op x


    Yeah I know 🙁 xx

    candybabey 3

    Hi where not aloud to discuss prices on forum otherwise they do get deleted.. But I’d say saving is the best as with anythin I purchase I’d like to know it’s mine 100% already the day hehe I have it and it’s mines I say to myself lol Plus especially with cosmetic surgery it’s better to have the full amount first that way you can start saving for the next surgery you will have , as at one point in future you’ll need change the implants, or revision, etc..
    Anything can happen however finance/ loans are great some even have 0% interest rates… Hope helps but my personal opinion save 🙂 you’d be surprised how much you can save when your determined xx


    I have wanted a ba for so long and thought best way is just to save I’m £3400 now I didn’t want finance incase I lost my job xx

    kathryn 1

    try for a loan with interest rates between 4 and 6%, some places have those rates only for loans between 7000 and 15000 x


    I’ve just saved. Luckily my husband has worked a lot of overtime to get us more money to save. I didn’t want to opt for finance, and we don’t do debt because we have young kids and wanted to be responsible. If you work to a budget and limit your outgoings you’ll find it easier to identify what money you can save. Try asking family and friends for cash gifts for birthdays/christmas/anniversaries because you can either use the money they give you to afford yourself some essentials whilst you save, or add it to your savings.
    Try set a minimum rate to save each week, and don’t let it fall below that point, but don’t be disappointed if you don’t manage to save your ideal amount. And remember that EVERY PENNY COUNTS so try to resist going to expensive coffee shops for lunch – pack your own lunch the night before to save rushing in the mornings before work.
    I got myself a big saving tin on ebay, and I’ve been putting all my pound coins and £5 notes in there. Until I’m ready to use it I can’t access it because you need a can opener to get in there! 🙂
    It’s a long road, but you’ll get there! Good luck! xx

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