How has everyone paid for there boobs and how much? Started by: Natalie

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  • Natalie

    Hi Girls, I have my consultation tomorrow with Mr Singh really want to look forward to it but am so stressed about how I will afford it! I am in Birmingham tomorrow and my care coordinator is Rebecca she has said they will do all they can to get a good price but don’t really know how much they discount exactly? Also has anyone used 121 finance 0% over a year? If so do you know how bigger deposit you have to put in to qualify? Any helps appreciated 🙂 xxxx

    Hannah 1

    I dont know much about the finance side, but I just asked if they could give a discount and was given one!! Felt cheeky asking bit it was worth it! Xx


    I have exactly the same problem, im having a consultation around mid February and am also very concerned about how im going to fund this as ive been told it could be up to £4850! Can i add you both ? 🙂


    Thank you Hannah! Did they give you a big discount or a couple of hundred? When are you having your op done and what are you having? Xxx


    Yes would also be interested to know where you are having it done and how much of a discount youre getting!


    Hi Danielle, it’s so frustrating isn’t it!! I was told £4850 in first meet but have said I deffo can’t afford that so she’s said me Singh is good at discounting as he does do many ops and they will get me the best deal possible. My friend had it done with mya last September and got it for £3800! So I think if you push and haggle you can get a good price. It’s still affording £3800 though haha! Xxx


    And add away 🙂

    Nicki 1

    I got a late space and paid £3000 cash for soft touch naturelles. Was initially quoted £4495 xx


    That’s amazing Nicki are you happy? Is it ok to add you? Xxx

    Nicki 1

    Yeah I’m chuffed 🙂 of course, go ahead 🙂 xx


    Hi ladies I have my first consultation on Tuesday for BA I had an idea of a round about price to expect at the 4500 mark which is going to take me ages to save for as I am not doing finance. Do you think I should ask then and there if there’s any discount or wait till the second consultation?!? Xxx


    Yes Natalie its very frustrating but its good to know people have got reasonable discounts! Definetely, im very keen to have it done no matter how much its going to cost me. I’m 18 and have asymmetrical boobs (2 cup sizes different) and am very eager to get it fixed!


    Hi Daisy I discussed it briefly at 1st one and rebecca said we would discuss further at second one which is tomorrow for me 🙂 good luck hope it all goes well!! Xxxx


    Thats another thing i was wondering Daisy when should i ask about the discount. Im a student so funding this isnt going to be easy but ive got suppertive parents that are helping fund it! Definetely want a good deal!

    Nicki 1

    On my first consultation we were told the price n that was that but then on the second, my pc brought up the subject of price again n said she could give a discount of £500. I know other girls have had to really haggle. It’s up to u if u mention it at the first consultation but I’m sure they’ll definitely be some movement on the price xx


    Good Luck Natalie! I’m sure you’ll be just fine! 😀 xx


    Thanks for the advice ladies do you mind if I add you’s!? And Danielle I’m a student too just turned 19 but been saving for 2 month now as I have a part time job I’ve just been working loads of over time my parents said they’d help me out aslong as I saved up half! Xx


    Thankyou Nicki, ive just added you hope its not a problem.
    Im hoping so ive very desperate to have this done!xx

    lianne23 1

    I’m having mine done on the 16th of feb! £3800! I’m
    Also geting them on finance!! I didn’t put a depost down!! I’m
    Paying back £140 a month! Hope this helps a little!! 🙂 xxx


    Ok, Thakyou Nicki ive just added you hope it isnt a problem!
    I’m very eager to have it done so hopefully they will ! 🙂 xxx

    Nicki 1

    That’s fine Danielle 🙂 u do feel cheeky asking for a discount but it’s gotta b done! If u don’t ask, u don’t get! Xx


    Thats basically what my parents have said Daisy, im still in education and my parents have said providing i take this seriously they are happy to help fund it due to being asymmetrical they are eager to help! Of course add away! 🙂


    Exactly, wont know until you ask! Just added you thankyou! 🙂 xx


    Have you tried speaking to your GP cos if its a real body conscious and I’m sure it is sometimes there’s possibilities of getting it on the nhs, yes my parents exact same if I’m taking it seriously they will help that’s why I’ve started saving I’ve even opened an eBay account and started selling stuff on there to add to the fund!! 😀 xx


    I was going to be having it on the NHS Daisy but they stopped funding it in Leicestershire this year! 🙁 SO im having to pay privately!


    Add away girls 🙂 thank you Lianne how much deposit did you out down and how long for? Thank you Danielle! Xxx

    Hannah 1

    I am having 410 unders on the 2nd of april!! I got £500 off jist for asking! Im paying £3650 in total as a day case! X


    Just saw you said you didn’t put down a deposit sorry! Xx


    Random but how do I pay full amount lol ? I’ve got to pay the money by next sat but who do I pay it to ?! xx


    Hi! My PC is Rebecca too, I booked my op on 1st December, on the understanding that I would be getting 0% finance. I put £1000 deposit. I am due to pay the other £1000 tomorrow but on Wednesday she rang me up to tell me that I couldn’t have 0% anymore as they no longer do it. It will now be 10% which is an awful lot. I signed up with mya as the finance attracted me to them. I was extremely annoyed that this was changed and ATM wouldn’t advise anyone to go with mya as I feel they lied about the 0% just to get me signed up. So mad this puts another £500 on the price

    Nicki 1

    Jasmine- I paid £500 over the phone to my pc then she gave me their account details so I could pay the rest through my online banking. Just give ur clinic a call. Theyll give u a ref. too so they know the payment has come from u xx

    Em 3

    I got £800 discount for just asking . Shows it can be done . I took my hustband he asked her what the biggest discount she could give was . Other than the late space . Don’t feel funny for asking everyone does it Hun.x


    I told them I had £3500 an there was noway I could spend anymore, I took a late space an knocked £750 off the price so I’m paying £3400 now 🙂 xx


    Hi i was originally quoted £4400 for day case allergan implants (best ones) asked for a discount and managed to get it down to £3850 x

    Kate 26

    Hi girls I’m in the same situation as u I’m not going to have funds till August time and am desperate to get a ba ASAP.i have heard a lot of girls have had a discount upto £800,I’ve had my first consultation and have 2nd my first with surgeon on 9th feb so I’m going to get my husband to be cheeky and ask 🙂 I’m from Leicestershire aswell Danielle (small world) I were going to try for NHS but decided against it xxx


    certainly is Kate, could i possbily add you? Id say dont waste your time, my GP said i fit the criteria blah blah blah and then received a letter from my consultant saying they stopped the surgery and wouldnt do it! I have one boob 2/3 cup sizes different so really want it sorting!! xxx

    Kate 26

    Ah bless u babe,hopefully you will soon be happy with ur boobies 🙂 mya sound brill and I were so happy when I come away from my first consultation.hope everything happens for u soon,and yes Hun u can add me no probs xxx

    Kate 26

    Ah bless u babe,hopefully you will soon be happy with ur boobies 🙂 mya sound brill and I were so happy when I come away from my first consultation.hope everything happens for u soon,and yes Hun u can add me no probs 🙂 xxx


    Hoping so Kate! It doesn’t help I’m very impatient with stuff like tis I’ve got a consultation on 14th Feb and I’m so excited!! Xx

    veepiink 1

    Always ask for a discount! When I had my second consultation I told my patient coordinator that I’d heard from a lot of people that I could get a massive discount “coincidently” after my comment they were doing a “special offer” & I was immediately given £750 off, however I think if I had pushed I could have got more off! My total price is £3950 or thereabouts. I’ve put 1900 on finance & paid the rest myself. Hope this helps xx

    veepiink 1

    Oh yh I’m also useing 121 apparently it’s interest free for 18th months. Not sure what the apr is after that time as I’m paying mine in 16months. My 1st installment comes out 10-12 po and is £270 including a 1 off £165 admin fee then in paying 105 a month. They also said that if I decide to pay it back earlier there is no charge etc so far they seem ok x

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