how im going to sleep upright is beyond me lol! Started by: Nicola Stacy

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    My bum is killing me from sitting upright ish in bed!! Any tips girls, anyone would think id had bottom implants as that hurts more than my boobies haha! X

    CRx -1

    you can sleep at 45 degree angle? that helped me at first (10 days post op) start of at 45degree angle but now i always wake up on my back… but i’ve seen another post where a lady couldn’t sleep sat up so she rang her PC and she said she could sleep on her back as long as she didn’t role over. If not sleep with a memory foam pillow underneath you that helps a bit hehe x


    I failed maths haha! Wouldnt know where on the bed id sleep to be at a 45 degree angle lol! X


    Put a pillow under your bum as well it helps xxx

    CRx -1

    like slightly tilted hun, 90degree would be sat up straight then it’s half of that x


    Thanks honey, i think im right now. Xx


    My bum in numb in the mornings! I’m missing spooning my bf so much lol xx


    Yeah me too haha! My fiances a long distance waggon driver, so when hes home hes extra cuddly and loving. Hes not back at work while tuesday obvs because of the bank holiday but its driving him mad not being able to cuddle me. I hardley slept a wink last night though 1.i couldnt get comfy anf was panicking i was laid too flat and 2. Because i was worrying he was going to forget id had them done roll over to cuddle me and hurt me badly. Iso i was up watching him most the night. Probs got most rest about 4am. And i was up at 7. Ahh dear thats me going to be ratty today lol! X

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