How is the decision made as to over or under?? Started by: Tanya Williams

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    The surgeon has told me I will be having overs!! Just wanting to know how it is worked out as to which one you would be having??

    Daniella 21

    Dependent on what they think will give you the best result and if you have enough breast tissue to go over. I train in the gym also so was advised unders can cause the implants to move to the side over time training chest etc. Also overs can give more of a cleavage if you have a slight gap in between x


    I train in the gym alot too..
    Now he’s told me overs will that be certain as I think I really want overs now..
    People say under hurt alot more after surgery xx

    Becca 168

    My surgeon outlined the pros and cons of both options for me as he believed that either would be viable. He then asked me to think about whether or not I had a particular preference. He finally made his recommendation for me based upon what he felt would work best in my situation. I wanted to go under the muscle and this was also what he suggested so it worked out perfectly! As I was having a fairly large implant he advised that this option would hold it in place better, stop it sagging so quickly and reduce the risk of rippling.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Becca 168.
    Victoria 4

    Does anybody know if under the muscle is the same as dual plane? Or are they different?

    Heidi 217

    Dual plane is another phrase for partials, so placed partially under the muscle rather than completely underneath xx

    Millie-Rose 33

    I was only a 30B before my surgery so I was told that I wouldn’t be able to have overs as I didn’t have enough breast tissue to begin with. My recover with unders was so smooth and quick though so I wouldn’t be put off having unders because of the recovery time issue, everybody is different xxx

    Becca 168

    I also had no pain at all at any point and a very quick and easy recovery with unders.

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