How likely is a post op stay at the hospital? Started by: Claire

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  • Claire 32

    Hi girls, so I’ve already booked a hotel for the night before so myself and bf can have a little luxury before I’m having the discomfort to contend with after and I wondering if I need to stay the night after too. I know if drains are used and it’s a late surgery time that I will have to but as my kids are stopping at my bfs sisters house just for the night and my bf will be working the day after I’m starting to worry. It would be much easier if we knew the times of our surgery sooner than 48 hours.


    Hi. I’ve booked a hotel the night before and the night of the surgery too just in case.
    I was awake from surgery at 6:00pm ish and was kept in until 09:00 pm until my blood pressure came back to normal.
    If your surgery is gonna be morning or early afternoon it’s unlikely you’ll be kept overnight unless you have any complications and they need to watch you.
    But also my admission time was 13:00 and the email said that wasn’t time of surgery and we could wait up t 6 hours for the actual surgery to take place.
    So not sure if that was just how Preston works of if it’s general.
    But either way even if you’re all done early in the day I’d say if you have to travel home you won’t be fit for it. I was feeling completely miserable and in pain. It’s a big trauma for the body so you’ll definitely appreciate a night of rest nearby before travelling. I sure did. So if you can book another night just for extra comforts and less worry 🙂

    Claire 32

    Brilliant thank you Ana, I will have to have a word with my bf when he gets here and tell him he’ll need another day of work. A massive part of me would rather just ride it out and be uncomfortable for 1.5 hours until I get home so I can start to relax in my own home but then what you’ve just said has made me think again. Thanks again. X


    Oh no hun. One and half hours will be dreadful. I had 3 hour drive home the day after, topped up on painkillers and even little bumps on the road were painful. Definitely get a good night’s rest. I wasn’t even fit for eating that night lol. But the good news is that after 7 days you start to feel good again and enjoy the need boobies 😀

    Corrine 18

    I haven’t gone with mya. The company I’ve gone with makes you stay the night in their hospital cause statistics say if something is likely to happen it would happen during this time. So I’d say close by if you can. Plus this will give you time to recover from anaesthetic etc x x. X


    With my first op I was first down, out of theatre by 9.40am but my recovery was so bad I had to stay overnight in their hospital, I’m quiet good pain wise too it was the effect of the anethetic that made me ill.
    But then my second surgery I was awake and fine could have easily went home as soon as I woke up, so please just be prepared for the worse as with my first op I had thought I would be in and out as so many people say it’s easy and no pain etc xxx

    Claire 32

    Thanks for your replies ladies I will be staying over night for sure now just to be on the safe side. Xx

    Ramla 27

    I think it all depends on time of surgery and your surgeon. I had Dr Fiumara, I was first in (was up in surgery room at 8:30am) but she likes to do all her surgeries for the day then discharge- I didn’t actually leave the hospital till 10:30pm

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Ramla 27.
    Claire 32

    Wow so even if I’m in first thing there’s no saying I would be out early enough to either risk the trip back if I wasn’t doing that or getting back to the hotel at a respectable time. Well I’m defo staying another night for sure.

    Sharon 8

    Hi did any of you have surgery at Preston if so which surgeon did you use ????


    I had surgery at Preston yesterday with Mr Netri. My admission time was 8am and my op about 10.30am. I left at 4pm as I stayed a bit longer in recovery as that was right for me. Good luck girls x

    Sharon 8

    Hi Danielle I will be going to Preston if I go with mya got my first consultation tomorrow would you recommend dr Neti ?


    Hi @shaz2 sorry only just seen this. Yes would recommend Mr Netri. He was very open and honest in my consultation and on the day very reassuring. I’m now 9 dpo and all his recommendations were exactly what I wanted. Happy with the results so far… just waiting for the drop and fluff!

    Sharon 8

    Hi Danielle, thanks for reply I asked about dr Netri and I can’t have him don’t think he does newcastle clinic glad all is good with your recovery xx

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