How long after a consultation do you get a date? Started by: Alex Green

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    Hello I’m just wondering about how soon after the consultation do you get a date for the op? Is the wait quite long? Do you have any say on when it is?

    Lisa 20

    I booked my surgery the days of my consultation, to book to just see your surgeon is £500 to book the date of your surgery and surgeon meeting is £1000 xx

    Chloe 43

    I had my consultation meeting with surgeon pre op then surgery all within a month… depends how available u can be. U have to have u pre op 2 weeks before surgery at latest xx

    Natalie G 12

    I called my PC and paid £500 to get my date set x

    Pango 1

    I haven’t even met my surgeon yet and I’ve reserved my surgery date. It’s just easier with work and I’ve wanted this done for so long that I not scared or apprehensive in any way.

    I’ve researched my surgeon and am happy work my PC’s guidance on him giving me the look I want. My surgeon’s consultation and preop (you can request to have this done at same time if getting time off work is a struggle) is going to be 27th June and my surgery date will be July 17th! I’m very excited.


    So you pay extra to book it? Or is that inclusive of the price?

    Pango 1

    Because i booked my surgery date BEFORE I saw my surgeon, I had to pay £1000 to secure it (which gets taken off your balance obviously) a opposed to paying £500 if i waited to see him before booking surgery date. I checked and it is refundable /transferable except a small amount for admin fee should i prove to be unsuitable i guess.

    Michelle 11

    I booked in for my surgery when I went to my first consultation but that only cost me £500 and my op date is the 26th July. I see Dr Traynor on the 12th of June and have my pre op on the 20th

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