How long after did you return to work? Started by: Lis212

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  • Lis212 17

    Hi. Please could you tell me how long after did you return to work? Or even be up walking around etc? Are you basically on your back for ages?????

    Lauren 54

    You should be as active as possible after your ok as it helps with healing. By active I mean up and about not like active active.
    First day or 2 you’ll probably spend a long time sitting/ laying down but after that you’ll start to been a bit more normal. I took a week off work then worked from home for 2 extra days. I have an office based job though. Depends what you do, if it’s manual or on your feet probably longer x

    Jamie 55

    I was pottering around the house as normal the day after, I took my dog for a walk every day, I was out at a friend birthday on day 5 and drove on day 8, although I couldn’t use 5th gear properly for ages, I took three weeks off work but probably could of done with 4 weeks as I look after bed bound people therefore a lot of moving using my upper body, everyone heals and deals with pain differently though just take each day as it comes xx


    I was completely useless for a good 6 days. Couldn’t even lift my self out of bed or go to toilet on by own. By day 7 and onwards i started to be able to get up and about. I had 2 weeks off work and was glad. Although i could do things after the first week, walking and movement was making me feel tender ans being at home for the second week was a blessing. I also could not sleep layed down for the first 2 weeks. I normally have a very high pain treshold. I wasnt really in pain by day 7 but my muscles just woulndt work properly or most things would make my cuts feel pressure. If you can have two weeks off id say do it…just in cass you have a though time like me lol

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