How long after op can you go for a walk? Started by: Helen

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  • Helen 19

    I know you can’t exercise for 6 weeks but how long is it until it’s ok to go for a walk. I usually walk for about an hour a day, I understand I won’t be able to carry shopping etc but wondering how long it took everyone to feel ok with just walking? Thanks

    Abbie 43

    Hi Helen, don’t think that there are any hard and fast rules for this, id just go with what your body allows you to do. I managed to walk into town (Slowly) and around the shops by 7 days PO but have read of girls on here out and about a day or two after their op. xx

    jacquie 2

    I’d ask your surgeon
    I did after the operation.
    He came to chat before I left which was nice.

    CanDDice 16

    I went on my first long walk 5 days post op it was so nice to get out did have to sit down for half hour before I walked back home and I walked pretty slow but it was so nice to get out and I felt fine after, hope that helps a bit x

    Helen 19

    Thanks for all your replies x

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