How long after the opp are you mobile or are you bed bound for the week your off Started by: Megx

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  • Megx

    My opp is Monday and just trying to work out what I’ll be able to do in the week I am off! Thank you! Any tips etc and how long I need to keep my post opp bra on for

    Sam 5

    My recovery was ok but I suppose everyone is different. I had 500cc unders last Tuesday and I was quite sore on the Tuesday and Wednesday but by the Thursday I was pottering around the house ok. I have 3 kids so i didnt really have a choice. I had my dressings off yesterday morning and then went up to whitehaven from Manchester to for work. My partner drove me but I was ok. I’m driving myself to work today. I have read things about peoples recovery being a lot tougher than mine tho. Good luck with your surgery xc

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Sam 5.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Sam 5.
    honey1997 12

    I had 315 unders on Monday and I really do feel fine, I’ve been up and about fine these last few days! In way less pain than I thought, I do keep alarms to make sure I’m keeping on top of pain meds xx

    Angie 2

    bra for 6 weeks. i was better on day 3. after week was nearly normal

    Ruby 12

    I had my surgery in the evening and went on a dog walk (I didn’t hold the lead) the following day! May not have been a great idea but I felt fine to do this, was nice to get out and stretch. Just had to walk slowly as I had tightness. By day 3 I felt completely normal apart from tightness and was out and about reasonably comfortably – I just didn’t bring a bag out with me so my arms were free x

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