How long before op do you have to pay full balance Started by: danielle

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    My op is the 7th of December and only have 700 left to pay which i was planning on paying in the next two weeks with my final payment being the 7th nov, when did you all pay your final balance? as im a bit worried as ive read different things about when you have to pay final balance x


    Ring your PC and let them know the situation I have had a late booking so am paying my full balance on 5 th nov and my op is the 20th. I think as long as you explain they are great 🙂 xx

    candybabey 3

    It says the due date of payment on the reciete hun, 56 days before surgery date usually but they put it down on the letter


    Mines next sat and I’ve only paid deposit! Got my pre op thurs going to pay the rest then x


    @Lucy Moss same here i have my op next week paid most today and the last few hundred will b a week b4 in my case which was a late space they have been cool with woteva i have suggested x

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