How long before returning to work? Started by: Dawnlou

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  • Dawnlou 5

    Just wondering how long people stayed off work for after surgery. I work with children so just wondering when would be best for me to get them done with me being restricted to school holidays!

    Natilly 37

    Hi dawn,

    I suppose it really depends on how quickly you heal. You’re encouraged to rest up for the first few days/week until the swelling goes down but then it’s best to walk around gently as often as possible. You’re not supposed to lift your arms above your head for up to two weeks post surgery and you’re not allowed to lift anything over a certain weight for the first six weeks (I think it’s about 10lbs). After that it’s pretty much back to normal (providing there are no complications).

    Most people will go back to work within 1-2 weeks but it really does depend on you!

    Hope that helps.

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