How long do you think I'll need. He's only 4 months old Started by: Shay Chantal

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    Hi ladies

    So I want to book my appoinment for the 17th December then I’ll have either my husband or mother with me untill the 3rd of Jan. I have a 15 week old baby he will be 5 months by the time I have my op.

    Is this OK do you think? What’s your experience

    Rebekah 5

    Hi Hun, my little one is two in March I got told at my consultation 6 weeks to pick him up but have seen a few people saying they were fine at 4 weeks I guess it depends how your recovery is xxx

    Jamie 2

    Hiya I got mine done on the 20th November. My son is 12months old. I was told I could maybe lift him after 2 weeks depending how I feel. I have help with me for 3 weeks.


    Hi, I had to have emergency surgery to have mine removed and put back in when my son was 4 months old! Was told I couldn’t pick him up for 6 weeks which was just impossible!! It was hard work and I felt quite useless to be honest, get all the help you can xx

    La1993 28

    I was also told 6 weeks until I could lift my daughter. I’m 12 days po now and couldn’t lift her at all I struggle to lift a half full kettle ? I thought after a week I would be near enough back to normal, I’m not in any pain now it’s just when I lift anything or change gear in my car it’s a horrible feeling like I’m straining my muscle xxx

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