How long do you wear your Macom bra for? Started by: Chloe

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  • Chloe

    Hello, hoping someone can advise or help me please 🙂

    Do you wear your Macom bra 24/7? how long are you meant to wear it for after surgery? do you give them a break out of the bra at any point?

    Is it good to wear the bra all the time?

    Many thanks
    Chloe xx

    Kat 2

    Hiya! Yep you wear it 24/7 for 6 weeks! Hope that helps x

    Bernice 51

    I bought the m&s one – same design tbh. Bought 2 black, 1 nude & 1 white. As you wear them 24-7 got to change them often! Only time I don’t wear one is to shower lol! I find them really comfy but obv restricts what you can wear high and full coverage…


    I had my opp yesterday and I got the m&s ones they feel really tight 🤣 6 weeks but I feel like I might need to buy a bigger bra! Xx

    Bernice 51

    Good luck with recovery Ella! Tbh mine felt so tight after the op too – I think I got bruising on the underhand from them when I had post op swelling!


    Thankyou!! It’s such a weird feeling 🤣 how long did it take you to be able to move a bit better? X

    Bernice 51

    Around 5 days or so? The meds I was on made me feel weird tbh – as soon as I came off them & just took paracetamol I felt loads better. I was just scared to move too much more than anything. My husband has to wash my hair etc. I still ache a lot and over 5 weeks post op! Maybe it’s cos I had split muscle? X

    Sarah 3

    It depends on your surgeon. Majority is 6 weeks but I am 8 weeks (Mr Mileto’s request) Mine comes off for when I’m showering, sometimes I undo the clasps for a bit of a breather. I’m 5 weeks post op x


    Hi I don’t suppose you have the link for the m&s one do you? Please. Victoria 07710242228 x

    Laura 1

    Does anyone have a link to the M&S one please 🙂

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