How long for a reop? Started by: faith23

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  • faith23 2

    Hi girls just after a bit of advice, I was just wondering how long you actually have to wait for a reop? I did start to be happy and like my boobs now Im hating the size again?! My boyfriend thinks I’m going mad and although its causing arguments still after I’ve had them done I really want a reop and I want maybe 600ccs. I got measured at a
    32F but they look a big D to me. Just wondering will I be able to fit bigger implants in now I’ve had one op and how long before they’ll consider doing it again ? X

    Em 3

    O Hun . I think they look grate . They still might get bigger . Iv spoken to lots of girl who say they get bigger after there recovery time once they had properly settled. Mine have dropped but they don’t seem relaxed , if you no what I mean . You measured up the same size as me Hun . X
    For a repo I think its 4mnths to see your surgeon again and talk about the changes you want to make , by then they should have settled. X

    Em 3

    It’s true at least whilst your waiting Hun . Just have a good look at your before pics . Try not to talk to your partner about any negative feelings for your boobs , its not worth braking a relationship over in the long run Hun . I made a split scream of mine . The change is huge when you see them close. 🙂 ciber hugs babe .xx

    faith23 2

    Thanks girls your words have helped I have had a look at my befores. Thing is naked I love them its just non existent when I have clothes on, maybe IF we ever get some warm weather and I can wear clothes other than baggy jumpers to stay warm ill feel better lol xx

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