how long has breast uplift surgery lasted? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I want an uplift surgery with implants ASAP but obviously there is alot of risks!

    How long has anybody’s boobs stayed in the same place for after surgery? Or do they sag a lot after the surgery?
    Also, how long did it take for scars to turn from red to white?
    Thanks x

    Bee 42

    Hey, they do sag as it’s inevitable but you can help this by wearing a support bra as much as possible and sleeping properly, ensuring your weight after having the surgery doesn’t fluctuate too much etc. I don’t have children (hopefully will in the near future!) but the majority of people noticing the biggest difference is usually after childbirth. Though there are obv other reasons, like choosing a heavier implant will increase the risk of sagging etc especially if you have a lot of breast tissue to start with. I had 300cc which felt like a lot and they haven’t sagged loads but they’ve definitely sagged. I can’t remember exactly how long it took for my scars to turn from red to white but it felt like ages at one point. After a year or so I’d say they were very hard to spot! That was with the help of silicone scar strips from Amazon, and a good diet etc xx

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