Hi i had my ba last wed a week today. I have got 2 babies under2, and ive really struggled to be honest this week. The whole situation has been a bit of a nightmare. But i never realised just how much i picked them up during the day untill i couldnt. Its not just lifting them into the highchair, the bath their cot, up the stairs. Its lift their clothes on and off, their legs to change their nappy…. Things that you dont thing require much effort, take a big effort after a ba. My son wanted to watch a dvd thenight i come out of hospital, and i couldnt push the lead into the back of the dvd player! So take it easy. My one son is potty trained, and it was taking all my effort just to pull his trousers up and down. But i have been told that my right implant is sitting on a nerve so im in a lot of pain, where as my left is fine. x x x