So you have the tape on top of the dressing? When do you take it off? My surgeon didn’t tell me and its becoming quite irritating? When should I take it off as in the tape, not the dressing over the scar, would be much helpful for some adv! xxxx
But some people I’ve spoken to have been told they can take of the big taping thats on the top of the boob then put macom bra straight on, just dont remove the scar sticker thats over that xxx
I’m sure you are supposed to leave the strapping on until your 7 day nurse check as it holds everything in tightly, the nurse will take it off then you can wear Macom/sports bra 24/7. i had mine off today, was such a relief it was so tight & made me so itchy, its left me with abit of a rash & a few spots from sweating in it :(xxx
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Aww okay yeah that’s what I thought! Aw really mines already become so itchy on the edges! Not good! I am ready to pull it off ;(. Yours look amazing though laura! I just had a quick peak xxxxxxx
Aww thankyou Izzy 😀 that’s so nice to hear !! I would never show anyone my old boobs I hated them SO much so it’s amazing to have boobs that I love! Want to keep getting them out to look at them hehe 😉 xxxxx
I know exactly how you feel! Its a horrible feeling when your not confident in front of people and to wear certain clothes its even not nice! My boyfriend loves it now because ill actually stand there without covering them! Haha I’m the same I sit there and just hold them, with a proud smile on my face! Best feeling in the world! Ill post pics up by the end of next week! Make sure you have a look tell me what you think 😀 xxx
Whatever you do don’t take off your strapping. The nurse at mya told me that if I take it off myself that you void your aftercare and if any problems occur they are no longer liable. Trust me I feel your pain but it is not worth it x
Haha!! I’m exactly the same Izzy!! 😀 It’s fab!! Ooh I will do lovely <3 xxx
I had my pre op today and the nurse told me to leave it on till my post up. She also said you cant shower and get it wet 🙁 has anyone managed to wash your hair or anything post op
Aw okay thanks girls! well a bit of my large dressing came off the top and I had a blister so rang emergency number and got told to take the big dressing off and just keep the dressing over the scar on and to put my macom bra on! Thank god it didnt spread because it became rashy! My boyfriend washes my hair over the bath and I just sit in a shallow bath and to wash top half use baby wipes! works well xxx
Ohh that’s ok the nurse told me I wouldn’t be able to lean over the bath. I just brought 2 macom bras
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