How long to crossfit? Started by: Rebecca

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  • Rebecca 12

    Hi guys,

    I have my surgery on the 18th of April! I was wondering if anyone has any experience with implants and crossfit? How long until you went back to crossfit etc?

    Louise 42


    I do crossfit. I was told no exercise at all for 6 weeks particularly as I am going under the muscle. My coach is really good and a few girls at the gym have had implants. She has reassured me that she will help me scale most exercises (upper body and bar work) she also suggested restarting my first week back with a pvc pipe rather than a barbell then progressing to an empty bar and so on. My surgeon seemed happy with this but suggested I only do lower body for first week and said I need to avoid running and impact like jumping for at least 12 weeks.

    Hope this helps. I also have a puregym membership and I am going to consider going there at week 5 to just do some cycling on the bike and get my muscles warmed up with some lunges and squats.

    Louise 42

    Sorry should have said I am 3 weeks post op. I have done no exercise at all apart from some 3 mile walks when the weather has been dry.

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