How long to wait Started by: Leanne Cowper

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    Please can you let me know what sort of time scale you wanted from your 1st consultation with the surgeon, to actually having the surgery, thanks x

    Tanya 3

    I saw my surgeon for 1st consult 10 Oct and had surgery on 6 Nov – I’ve known I wanted it for a while and an earlier slot came up ( otherwise I think I would have been scheduled for Dec) so I took it. Might depend on your surgeons availability. I had one specific I wanted so had to work around when he was free.

    Amanda 15

    My first consultation was April and my surgery was the end of September.

    I think you can pretty much stipulate when you would like the surgery. I wanted time to make enquiries with other companies and surgeons

    Natasha 36

    Consultation online was 1st august. Surgery was 25th august.

    Chlo 2

    First consultation was November 3rd, still waiting on my surgery date for February – currently on a waiting list 🙂

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